The Calabria region closes all schools until November 28


In Calabria all school activities at all levels and levels, with recourse to distance education, are suspended from November 16 to 28. This is what provides for the new ordinance (number 87) signed today by the acting president of the regional council, Nino Spirlì. “It was not an easy decision, but the moment is dramatic and Calabrian families must be protected,” explains the highest representative of the regional executive.

The motivations. The provision signed today by Spirlì – in consideration of the last Dpcm and the ordinance of the Minister of Health that orders the establishment of the “red zone” in Calabria – recognizes that “of the latest epidemiological analyzes prepared by the personnel of the operational group of the regional crisis there is an increase in the values ​​of alert indicators. ”In particular,“ the increasing value of the variable ‘new confirmed cases in the last 14 days per 100,000 inhabitants’ Although it is still the lowest of all the regions, it is 15 times higher, with an upward trend, compared to the value recorded in the September period – in which it had remained stable – and can reasonably be considered in close correlation with the resumption of school activities at all levels in the individual regional territories “.

Risk of increased infections. In the technical meeting on November 13 with the directors of the Prevention departments of the provincial health authorities, “it was represented by them – the ordinance explains – the problem related to the numerous infections of students and school operators, which runs the risk of causing a continuous increase in the spread of the epidemic, given that schools, especially childhood and primary schools, represent a place of aggregation where respect for interpersonal distancing is complicated and the possibility of transmission of home-based contagion is amplified ”. In addition, in many territorial areas, “the mayors -especially of the provincial capitals- have ordered, with their own provisions, the suspension of educational activities in the presence of all orders and degrees. International scientific studies also show how the suspension of school activities can reduce the ability of the virus to reproduce between 15 and 24% in the medium term.

The ordinance. Ordinance 87, in light of the new scenario, provides for the entire regional territory – from November 16 to 28 – “Suspension in the presence of all school activities at all levels, with recourse to distance education, leaving the reformulation of them to the school authorities ”. It is still permitted, on the basis of individual organizations, to students with disabilities, “Integrated digital teaching in schools, in the presence of their respective support teachers.” In addition, the school authorities “provide measures so that other types of access to the complexes are limited.” The provision reiterates “that the movements of people must be limited exclusively to the provisions of the Dpcm of November 3, 2020, in particular to the limitations provided for in art. 3 and, although not expressly contained therein, the additional measures indicated in the other articles and annexes of the decree must be applied ”. The writing also foresees “that a first step of analysis of the trend of infections, in order to evaluate the possible remodeling of the measures provided for in this ordinance, be carried out coinciding with the term of validity of the Ministry’s ordinance. of Health “. of November 4, 2020 and, based on the results of the follow-up, at the end of the following 7 days “. The same ordinance provides for free screening, using a rapid antigenic swab, for parents of pupils attending primary school and kindergarten., to be carried out by the provincial health authorities, in accordance with the indications and priorities provided by the regional crisis unit to the Prevention departments and with the participation of the regional school office.

“Patience and collaboration.” “It was not an easy decision, because stopping face-to-face teaching – says Spirlì – means depriving children, adolescents and young people of a right guaranteed by the Constitution and all relevant laws. However, by considering schools as places that, among so many dangers, still guarantee a certain degree of safety, we cannot fail to take into account the increasingly intrusive nature of Covid-19 ″. “The schools, like all other public buildings – explains the president – they are ‘inhabited’ by human beings, who, very often and in spite of themselves, are silent carriers of this dangerous virus. Families, at this dramatic moment, must be protected, especially in the health sector. That is why I ask everyone for their collaboration and patience: only then can we all get out of this tunnel together ”.

