Covid: still victims in the city


As Naples and Campania head into the red light district, amid the terrifying history of the lines of cars and ambulances at the entrance to the emergency room and the images of the formless crowd that fills the streets with nightlife on the eve of closure local, Covid continues to kill regardless of age, sex, health conditions.

Goodbye manuela

Manuela Scodes is also among the victims of the last hours.

42 years old, beautiful with her clean and spontaneous smile, Manuela was a policewoman on duty in our city. She leaves behind 3 small children: Diego, 8 years old, and Christian and Gioele, twins, only 4 years old.

A policewoman, but mostly mother and wife – We read on the Facebook page dedicated to the State Police – Today more than ever we all embrace, like a great family, her husband Alberto, Manuela’s family, her friends and colleagues at the Naples Police Headquarters.“.

Red zone: the rules to follow
