
Covid Abruzzo, continuous monitoring by the Region of the infection data. The Rt index falls, but Marsilio is ready for new measures in addition to the Dpcm.
President Marsilio chaired the crisis unit for the Covid emergency. Data from the last report confirming Abruzzo in the orange zone was analyzed. The weekly monitoring shows signs of improvement on some fronts, such as the Rt index that fell from 1.51 to 1.34, and signs of worsening trends on others, such as the progressive occupation of beds. Both intensive care places and beds in general dedicated to Covid ‘dance’ around the alarm threshold (29% over 30% for IT, 41 against 40 for the total). These data are substantially in line with national trends (decline in the Rt index and progressive bed saturation), which require the adoption of additional measures to those provided by the Government through the Prime Minister’s Decree. Tomorrow afternoon, the regional Scientific Technical Committee will meet to analyze analytically the data, including those numerically very important today, to provide the Minister of Health and the President of the Executive with motivated and timely proposals from which to dictate the consequent ordinances. .