
The good news comes from Spallanzani: the genome of coronavirus is stable, this will facilitate development vaccinations The doubts refer to the list of categories of people with whom to leave for the administration: old or young? This question is being answered by the working group of the Ministry of Health, but there is another delicate aspect for the Italians’ anti-Covid vaccination operation: logistics. In the heart of Italy, the dose distribution plan will be developed from the Fiumicino airport cargo center, where there is the possibility of storing pharmaceutical material even at low temperatures. The area, like all those destined to the storage of millions of doses of vaccine, will be under high surveillance, also with the use of the Army.
Covid vaccine, draft ministerial plan ready: the list of who will receive it immediately
From here, the vaccines will have to be transported, with special heavy vehicles (especially if the focus is on Pfizer’s, which must be stored at a temperature below minus 70 degrees Celsius), to warehouses whose location, again for safety reasons , will be kept secret. Finally, for actual vaccination, at least according to experts from the Lazio Region who are already studying a local variation of the national plan, it will be possible to focus on an existing network: that of the unit where swabs are made today. An alternative solution could be offered involving pharmacies, as suggested by Professor Ranieri Guerra (WHO). In any case, either the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine (therefore with the need for very low temperatures), if it is the AstraZeneca-Irbm-Oxford vaccine (less problematic from the point of view of conservation and on which Italy has a more coherent option from the numerical point of view), whether in both, the organization’s machine is starting up, albeit late compared to other European countries.
Pfizer will guarantee in the first months of 2021 at least 27 million doses (but a double administration is needed), AstraZeneca 70 million, this is a very complex operation, about which there will be strong expectations, because it will have the thrusts of the economic system that it expects restart and citizens increasingly concerned about the increase in the number of deaths from Covid-19. Agostino Miozzo, coordinator of the Technical Scientific Committee and Civil Protection man, has been repeating for some time that, beyond the role of Domenico Arcuri for logistics, to carry out the operation quickly, the participation of the Army and others. spoke with Premier Giuseppe Conte.
In addition to the puzzle of logistics and security, there is the problem of health. And on this yesterday the director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, Giovanni Rezza, who leads a group of experts who must prepare the guidelines, yesterday morning during the press conference explained: «The draft of the plan is ready. It is also being perfected with a reflection with the regions, but in the next few days the minister will know it ». One million 700 thousand citizens must immediately receive the doses, who will be chosen based on a series of categories identified according to their “fragility and potential exposure to the virus.”
There are two schools of thought. There are those who propose, and for now the prevailing line, to give priority to health workers, the police, the elderly, the chronically ill. On the contrary, there are those who propose a different strategy: instead of the elderly, we must start with the young, from the age group between 16 and 30, because they are the ones who, with their lifestyle and a trend towards greater socialization, they are the ones that have the greatest role in the spread of the virus, as was demonstrated for example this summer. Furthermore, since, however, as validated by experimentation and authorized by regulatory bodies, we will find ourselves having to deal with one or more new vaccines, developed very quickly, immediately administering it to the most vulnerable could be unwise.
Last updated: 07:31