The proposal to entrust Gino Strada Calabria’s post of extraordinary health commissioner seems to have already been ruined. Immediately buried also by Antonino Spirlì, acting president of the region in question, the idea that the Sardines and some members of the left liked so much, struggled to materialize, and contacts have been interrupted for days.
And to say that, as reported by “Repubblica”, the founder of Emergency was ready to accept the role and put himself at the service of Calabria.
After the sensational failure of the election of Giuseppe Zuccatelli, who soon ended up on the grid for some of his statements about the virus and the masks, the government expected a new (but not too much) face that could pose the situation. Now it seemed to be done. The first Minister Giuseppe Conte I was off balance, talking about“(…) a good name”, and had already heard Strada. The Minister of Regional Affairs and Autonomies Francesco Boccia was even more direct: “Gino Strada said he was willing to lend a hand, Speranza is doing the assessment”he declared, adding that the doctor was already in Calabria. “He is already in contact with the Commissioner and is already doing some important things. “ Emergency, in fact, deals with the management of solidarity medicine clinics in the Piana di Gioia Tauro area.
The enthusiasm, however, was immediately extinguished by Giorgia Meloni that, without making too many words, during the interview granted to “Start“from Sky Tg24 had branded the idea of giving Strada the post of extraordinary commissioner as“a very political choice.” “It seems to me that very politicized decisions are being taken and I wonder if it is time for ideological decisions, to get into politics on an issue like the one we are dealing with”, the leader of Fratelli d’Italia had increased the dose.
Even more difficult to collect the rejection that came from the acting president Antonino Spirlì, who in his excited speech a Came back He had expressed an indisputable concept: in Calabria there are doctors who are perfectly capable of carrying out the position, and the commissioner must be chosen from among them. “We need that in Calabria, where there are good teachers, we look here for those who have to take care of Calabrian health. We do not need to be enslaved in our medical care. Enough is enough, it is a shame that the government should put the final word. We don’t need geniuses from other parts of the world “, Declared President Spirlì. “But what does Gino Strada have to do with this? Calabria is a region of Italy. We don’t need African missionary doctors. We don’t need them.”
That seems to have been enough to convince the executive to take a step back. From Emergency they declare that they have not heard from the government yet, and that they are waiting.