
Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti – Archdiocese of Perugia-Città della Pieve
He recommends “that everyone continue to pray for those who suffer and live in situations of fatigue.” He thanks “the Lord” for being “by his side, with his mercy, at this time of trial.” Remember how many “are close to him with prayer and love.” And entrust «all to the Mother of God, Mary, to intercede for her children“Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, president of the CEI, sends a message to the entire Italian Church from the bed of the Santa Maria della Misericordia hospital in Perugia where he is hospitalized for the coronavirus. He does it from the Covid emergency service where he was transferred yesterday after the days of hospitalization in intensive care with the sudden worsening of last Monday and the slow recovery of these last hours.
Below is the text of the cardinal message released by the CEI:
I want to thank the Lord for being with me, with His mercy, in this time of trial.
I thank the Perugia hospital “Santa Maria della Misericordia” and the health personnel who take care of me and the sick.
I thank everyone who surrounds me with prayer and love.
I recommend that everyone continue to pray for those who suffer and experience situations of fatigue.
I entrust everyone to the Mother of God, Mary, to intercede for her children.
Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti
Archbishop of Perugia-Città della Pieve
Meanwhile, the health management of the hospital unit announces -through the daily medical bulletin- that “on the afternoon of Friday, November 13, the cardinal was transferred from intensive care unit 2 to the Covid 1 emergency hospital” . The doctors confirm “the slight improvement observed yesterday” and add that “the respiratory and cardiocirculatory parameters are good”. However, “oxygen therapy continues” along with the “remaining treatment plan.” The 78-year-old CIS president had tested positive for Covid after a few lines of fever. He was hospitalized on October 31; Then as of November 3, he was transferred to intensive care from which he left yesterday.