Bassetti puts the protocol for those at home on Facebook: “Heparin after 60 years.” And the controversy breaks out



National representatives of general practitioners take a position: “We do not agree.”

Genoa – “After finishing my clinical activity at the hospital, last night I virtually met the general practitioners of Genoa and shared with them, along with my extraordinary team, a home care protocol for Covid positive patients.” Matteo bassetti writes on Facebook the protocol for general practitioners shared with the Genoese associations. With indications on the drugs to use according to the clinical picture: “Paracetamol for feverish symptoms, anti-inflammatory if the clinical picture of the patient with Covid begins to worsen, cortisone only after 7 days to avoid attacking the patient’s immune system. Antibiotics will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis according to lung involvement (it should not be started at the onset of symptoms, but in the case of suspected bacterial superinfection).

Heparin if the age is over 60 years and if mobility is reduced. Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine treatments, with or without azithromycin, or tocilizumab, lopinavir / ritonavir, and darunavir / ritovavir are not recommended outside of controlled clinical trials.

A manual to which the director of the San Martino Infectious Diseases clinic adds that “General practitioners will be able to take advantage of online advice on infectious diseases. and so we can care for patients together at home avoiding, as far as possible, being hospitalized.

But Bassetti’s national visibility now goes far beyond the borders of Liguria and his recent appointment as national coordinator of the Agenas commission to assess the suitability of hospitalizations triggers a reaction from the national representatives of general practitioners: the agency Ansa, from Rome, Talk about “Bewilderment of family doctors who – we found out – deny that they have not been consulted and do not share the therapeutic indications ».

This is a short circuit, however, because Bassetti’s publication had nothing to do with the work of the national commission: “I am tired of these artistically edited controversies – snaps the professor – what I write on Facebook as a professor and citizen my business In that case it is a shared protocol with Genoese family doctors. It has nothing to do with the work we are doing for Agenas, which involves hospital admissions and is nationwide.
