
Born in 1946, from Lecco, he was an emeritus mountain guide
The memory of Peppino Ciresa: “Outgoing character, he loved adventure”
LECCO – Great grief in the mountain world for the death of Alpine guide Ivo Mozzanica. Class 1946, was the son of the Lecce artist, originally from Pagnano di Merate, Giuseppe Mozzanica.

Ivo Mozzanica died in the night between Friday and Saturday, leaving a great void in the mountaineering community of Lecco. Originally from Lecco, grew up in the shadow of San Martin, first in Castello neighborhood and then in via Capodistria a Saint Stephen, with the two older brothers: Darius, fond of water skiing and mountaineering (he had also climbed with Romano Perego) and his sister Angela.
Ivo Mozzanica started climbing when he was a child, a neighbor of Peppino Ciresa, their paths soon crossed and they took the path of the mountains: “Both recorded in the Cai Lecco, we started climbing together. Ivo was an extrovert, he loved everything that was unknown … he was an adventurer – remembers his friend Ciresa -. After his studies as a surveyor, he had worked in the studio of the architect Bianchi di Lecco, a profession that gave him space to go to the mountains. Then he attended all the courses to become a mountain guide and that became his only job that he has always done with great passion ”.
“Ivo loved adventure, so when there was a route to choose from, he avoided the familiar climbs, perhaps on famous walls, and preferred to open something himself. This was also the case in 1971 in the Pescegallo top when together we open the via Renata, dedicated to my girlfriend who soon after would become my wife ”.
Ivo Mozzanica’s climbing resume speaks for itself, he has made several new routes: “He loved the company, he always had a joke prepared. And then he was encouraged by a great impulse towards discovery and so it was in 1970, together with my cousin Valerio, we decided to go climbing Kurdistan, a land in the extreme east of Turkey that is sandwiched between Iraq and Iran – Ciresa recalls. We left Lecco by car, 11,000 km of dirt roads, in a practically unknown area, without cell phones or satellite, we only had embassy passes. Looking back today, I wonder how we managed to get home safely. “
Mountains of more than 4,000 meters surrounded by glaciers, it was thanks to the initiative of Ivo Mozzanica that the “Lecco expedition”, among a thousand adventures, managed to bring home two beautiful climbs, one of them on an inviolate tower that was baptized Lecco Tower. An alpine guide also gifted with a lot of technique: “I remember that Ivo had a client from Milan with whom he had done many very beautiful climbs. One day, proud, he showed me the comment he had left in his guide that said something like this: ‘today I felt like when I was on a rope with the Emilio, the Ivo climbs with the same lightness and technique. of Emilio ‘. That Emilio the client was referring to was nothing less than Comici ”.
After the wedding Mozzanica had moved to the Erbese but never lost contact with his Lecco, so much so that a few years ago he was involved in some work for him. layout of the roads of our territory: “I remember that he also collaborated withAurora San Francesco for the layout of the Pizzetti path – concludes Ciresa -. He had reviewed the entire route, fixed some chains, and issued the certification. Finally, I like to remember your publications, with drawings, on the most beautiful itineraries in our area.
Ivo Mozzanica leaves his wife Mariangela and their children Lia and Aldo.