The new Fugatti ordinance: masks even from 3 years old, rules for bars and markets, “red” areas – THE FULL TEXT


The new ordinance (number 54) of the president of the province, Maurizio Fugatti, has been published, which provides for a further tightening of anti-Covid measures.

Its titled:

Anti-collection and general prevention measures in relation to Covid-19.

Without prejudice to state and provincial measures to contain the risk of spreading the virus, the organs, as well as the different protocols and guidelines for the sector, are adopted from November 16, 2020 until December 3, 2020, with reference to the entire provincial territory. the following and additional measures:

1) The use of a mask is mandatory to protect the respiratory tract outside the home, with the exception of children under six years of age, those who are doing sports and those who have diseases or disabilities incompatible with the use of the mask, as well as for Those who interact with the aforementioned are in the same incompatibility, in the case of momentary lowering of the mask for the habitual consumption of food or beverages or for smoking, a minimum distance of one meter, except as provided by specific provisions. In local public transport and for the duration of the trip, the obligation to wear a mask also remains confirmed for children in the age group 3-6 years;

2) It is allowed to carry out sports or motor activities outdoors and preferably in public parks, green areas, rural and peripheral areas, where it is accessible, provided that in any case the interpersonal safety distance of at least 2 meters is respected for sports and at least one meter for any other activity; In any case, these activities must be carried out outside the streets and squares of the historical centers of the city and tourist places.

3) Access to commercial establishments is allowed to one person per family unit or unit of cohabiting subjects, except for the need to accompany people with difficulties or those under 14 years of age;

4) commercial activity in the form of an open-air market in a public or private area is allowed in the Municipalities in which the Mayors adopt a specific plan, delivered to the merchants; This plan must contain the following minimum conditions:

a) In the case of open-air markets, if it is possible to foresee a perimeter, not necessarily physical, but that makes the limits of the area used for sale visible:

b) presence of a single access door separated from the exit door;

c) public or private surveillance that verifies compliance with social distancing and the prohibition of collection, as well as control of access to the sales area;

d) application of the protocols of the anti-Covid19 guide in force in the reference sector;

5) It is forbidden to consume food and beverages outdoors, in a public area or open to the public, except in store sessions:

6) in all public establishments, including those where catering activities are carried out: – the time spent in the room must be a maximum of 1 hour and 30 minutes; Tables in administration areas should be located so that the distance between the back of one chair and the back of the other chair is greater than 1 meter and that clients are facing each other and are spaced apart. at least 1 meter, except for objects that coexist. The proportion of people per area must be 4 people per 10 square meters with respect to the area used for the consumption area; – the buffet is not allowed; – Individual menus on paper, newspapers, magazines and paper books should not be available to customers: food and beverage management can be performed, from 3:00 p.m. to the end of business. exclusively with consumption in seats usually placed, both inside and outside the premises, and in any case complying with the protocols of the sector; Take away food must be made by reservation only and can be accessed at the
delivery area only 1 customer at a time:

7) the provisions of the previous point do not apply to the restoration activities carried out
within the accommodation facilities for clients staying in these facilities, for which the activities continue to apply as prescribed in the matter by the currently valid guide protocols and by the Dpcm November 3, 2020 (that is, pursuant to the latter, catering is allowed in hotels and other accommodation facilities without a time limit, limited to its clients staying there);

8) In all places of worship, the interpersonal distance of 2 meters must be respected, in compliance with
the maximum capacity provided by state protocols and provincial measures (for Catholic churches of worship, see the maximum capacity referred to in the ordinance of the President of the Province of August 25, 2020, prot. no. 516106);

9) on Sundays, holidays and public holidays the following limitations are adopted:
a) in the days before holidays (including Saturdays), large and medium-sized sales structures (and similar structures), both with a single establishment and with several establishments in any case connected, including shopping centers, are closed to the public , except for the sale of food products, pharmacies, parapharmacies, health centers, tobacconists and kiosks;
b) On holidays it is forbidden to carry out commercial activities, even in neighborhood stores, interiors or in a public area, except the sale of food products, pharmacies, parapharmacies, health centers, tobacconists and newsstands, with the exception of the home delivery of food and non-food products for all businesses;
c) Sundays on holidays, in addition to the provisions of the previous letter. b), the sale of food is also prohibited;

Application by analogy of the measures provided for in art. 3 of the Dpcm of November 3, 2020, relating to municipalities characterized by a scenario of maximum severity and high level of risk:

10) in municipalities where the contagion rate of Covid-19 is higher than 3% of the returned population
tooth (excluding from this count positive RSA guests because they are not accidents for the purposes of calculating epidemiological risk), as certified by the Provincial Health Services Agency, as of the day after the communication of these data to the Mayor of the Municipality referred to by the President of the Province, the measures referred to in art. 3, paragraph 4, of the Dpcm of November 3, 2020 (see Annex 1 of this ordinance), unlike the provisions of art. 3, paragraph 4, lett. f) of the aforementioned Decree of the Prime Minister, in the aforementioned municipalities it is also arranged in the presence of the second and third year of attendance at lower secondary education. It is also specified that, if in the different anti-Covid19 protocols / guidelines currently in force in the different sectors, the measure is foreseen that people from “risk areas” cannot access the different workplaces or various activities, this measure does not It applies to residents of the Municipalities referred to in this point, for which the provisions of Annex 1 regarding travel apply;

11) in the Municipalities referred to in the previous point, in addition to the measures referred to in art. 3, paragraph
4, of the Dpcm of November 3, 2020, as well as the additional measures provided for by the other articles of the same Dpcm and the measures of this ordinance, where similar more rigorous measures are not foreseen;

12) The measures referred to in the two previous points have a minimum validity of 15 days.


13) subjects older than 70 years, it is strongly recommended to avoid foci of possible aggregation
tion and use the home services provided by “restoacasapiò”; If by necessity they intend to go to commercial establishments with large and medium-sized sales structures, go to them in the first 2 hours of opening and it is also recommended that merchants invite, without any commitment, younger subjects to later use the exercise 2 o’clock first hours of opening.

