Pope Francis, celibacy and the secret roles of Paul VI in Father Sapienza’s book


Pope Francis, celibacy and the secret roles of Paul VI in Father Sapienza's book

Pope Francis, celibacy and the secret roles of Paul VI. A previously secret dossier containing Paul VI’s reflections on the celibacy of priests, transmitted by Bergoglio to the regent of the Pontifical Household, Father Leonardo Sapienza, revives attention on the thorny question of married priests. The issue was debated for a long time at the last Synod of Bishops in the Amazon, as Father Sapienza recalls in the book ‘Paul VI. There is no distant ‘(San Paolo editions), rekindling the controversy and criticism about priestly celibacy. On the one hand, the opening of bishops to the possibility of ordaining married priests where there is a shortage of priests (the Synod of October 2019 had asked the Pontiff for the ordination of suitable men recognized by the community, since they could have a family legitimately established and stable.), on the other hand, the step back of the Pope who did not open himself to married priests. Today, through the secret papers of Paul VI revealed by Sapienza and anticipated by the Adnkronos, we understand even more the meaning of Francis’ stop.

“Pope Francis – writes Sapienza – has often repeated the conviction of Paul VI. Last time, on the return flight from Panama (January 28, 2019), Pope Francis said: ‘Regarding the Latin rite, a phrase from Paul VI comes to mind:’ I prefer to give my life rather than change the law ‘. on celibacy. ‘ This came to mind and I want to say it because it is a brave phrase, he said it in 1968-1970, at a more difficult time than the current one. “The secret papers linked to Paul VI, referred to by Adnkronos, reflect Bergoglio’s thought.” I think the same of St. Paul VI – the Pope wrote to Father Sapienza – only with one difference: he is a saint “, concluding with a humorous note: “… and don’t think about getting married.”

From the Archives of the Vatican Secretariat of State, therefore, came to light an unpublished conversation that Pope Montini had on July 10, 1970 with Cardinal Bernard Alfrink, Archbishop of Utrecht, on the thorny question of celibacy in the Church. A tight question and answer between the Pope and the Dutch archbishop, open to a Church that adapts to the world, during which Montini says that questioning priestly celibacy would be the “ruin” of the Church. Rather, death or resignation. The transcription of the unpublished interview that is still very topical today, at a time characterized by a great crisis of vocations, is contained in the latest book by Father Sapienza that Adnkronos anticipates.

The Holy Father affirms that he thought a lot about yesterday’s conversation; Once the precise diagnosis has been made, the Dutch situation appears serious; it must be taken into account with understanding and charity; perfect practice cannot be demanded when there is this disturbance; We do not want to be uniform or legal in application, we understand the need to be careful. The cardinal made the painting. The Pope did not want to add anything; he could have. The trip was aimed at the theme of celibacy. Alfrink refers to the statements of the bishops and in particular to the following two points: married men and readmission to the ministry of married priests. Alfrink does not insist on this point.

The Pope adds: impossible. The cardinal says that there is a category of priests who deceive themselves and admit that it is an illusion. The Pope adds: we must be explicit. The cardinal states that he has not received a response to his report on the Grossouw case; Cardinal Seper would not have written; Cardinal Alfrink will do as he is told: he will call Grossouw. The Pope thinks we must stand firm.

Cardinal Alfrink: but the striking reason is that there are no longer any candidates for the priesthood; he insists on the priesthood for the married. The Holy Father at this point says that it would be something that would spread immediately: it should not be done. The Pope has the vision, the responsibility; I would believe that he is betraying the Church. To which Alfrinck reacts: leaving the Church without priests is a great ‘malheur’; it is a situation that occurs in the Netherlands, but also in other places. This way of helping the Church can be good.

Holy Father: the problem is complex. In missions, the most authoritative voices are against it. There is some remedy in the admission of the aforementioned diaconate. Certainly the priestly ministry is lacking. The situation can be studied collectively. Such a topic should be reserved for a Synod. But this takes at least two years.

Alfrink responds: it is certainly long, but the Church is eternal. We are the first in Europe to know about this shortage, which already exists in Latin America. This is the concern of the Dutch episcopate.

Holy Father: the analysis of the problem must be deepened; having no clergy, bishops want to marry. But let’s introduce a change in concept, a decline that can no longer be cured.

Alfrink: establishment of criteria.

Holy Father: not convinced

Alfrink: these men exist; we know them and recognize their qualities.

Holy Father: may they carry out a lay apostolate.

Alfrink: We need it. You have to study the problem.

Pope: I do not want to give false hope and remember the Letter of February 2 ca

Alfrink: but the Letter talks about that.

Holy Father: I don’t think that applies to the Netherlands. Much thought is required for ecumenical situations.

Alfrink: Some parts of the universal Church can find themselves in similar situations.

Holy Father: I would not have a clear conscience. This would be an upheaval of the Latin Church.

Alfrink: I’m not that pessimistic.

Holy Father: months either. Youth will come. You have such a fruitful century of vocation. Love of Christ.

Alfrink: Don’t miss this.

Holy Father: you cannot have a double clergy

Alfrink: Do you think there would be no more celibate clergy?

Holy Father: no. We would have priests absorbed by other tasks: family, work.

Alfrink: this is true; one of the reasons for celibacy is, in fact, this: availability; exposes the perspectives of a married clergy; one part completely free, the other has a profession (full-time-part-time).

Holy Father: dedication of the priest to his family, there will no longer be the recruitment of celibate clergy.

Alfrink: study further

Holy Father: the Theological Commission will study the questions that will be the subject of the 1971 Synod, but they have not yet been resolved. This will undoubtedly be one of the points, but for the sake of sincerity I don’t want to give you hope that it will reach (the married clergy). I don’t want to decide on my own, because my opinion would be negative; I will ask the opinion of the other confreres in the episcopate. This would happen in extreme cases, it would not be the rule, nor the norm. It would be ruin.

Alfrink: Be celibate and then seek the vocations of mature married men.

Holy Father: do you think such a law of the Church will resist? Or will they say ‘can you be married and be a good priest?’ I’d rather be dead or quit!

This is the transcript of the unpublished interview that took place more than fifty years ago.

“It should be noted – writes Father Sapienza – the nuance of Paul VI’s words and feelings during the interview: we must be explicit; you have to stand firm; I would believe that he is betraying the Church; we introduce a decadence from which we can no longer heal; I am not convinced; His conscience would not be clear. Until reaching the ‘explosive’ conclusion that Cardinal Villot indicates on the side so as not to transmit: “I’d rather be dead or resign.” Pope Francis, transmitting the unpublished dossier to Father Leonardo Sapienza, writes significantly: “This seems to ‘give life’. I think the same of Saint Paul VI ”.

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