Orange zone: now Lombardy believes in it / The map – Chronicle


Lombardy is still in the red zone but in a week possible relaxation of the measures
Lombardy is still in the red zone but in a week possible relaxation of measures

Milan, November 14, 2020 – Lombardy shortens the time horizon for the evolution of the virus and looks confidently at next weekWhat will it be crucial. The goal is to go from red to orange. In other words, get a relaxation from anti-Covid measures. Complex assumptions but not entirely remote in light of the most recent positive signs andorange “technical” assigned since surveillance from the control room of the Ministry of Health-Iss. Meanwhile, the map of Italy turns more and more towards bright hues: from Sunday Campania and Tuscany will enter the red zone, while Emilia-Romagna, Friuli and Marche pass in orange.

Meanwhile, Lombardy reaps the fruits of the sacrifices made. Lcontagion rate Rt passed from 2 (recorded end of October) at 1.5 regionally, while in Milan fell to 1.3-1.2. A “beautiful sign of encouragement” according to epidemiologists. For the director of Ats Walter Bergamaschi, who asks for caution, these improvements are the effect of the measures adopted in the second half of October by Lombardy, rather than the “soft” repression imposed by the government. However, the contagion data, still high, keep us in suspense: yesterday 10,634 new cases and 118 deaths. Not to mention the other key indicator the government has taken into account: pressure on hospitals. But the president of the Region Attilio fontana yesterday he spoke of a possible flexibility of measures anti Covid, specifying that “need wait two weeks: the former has passed, however, as the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, It won’t take any action for two weeks, so starting the next. “We just have to wait.
