Open schools in Europe. If in Italy the secondary schools returned from Monday to take lessons from home and in “red” regions A step has been taken towards integrated digital teaching also for second and third grade students, in many of the countries of the Old Continent they have chosen not to close classrooms at all levels, although they have had to resort to more restrictions that have changed the lives of the students.
Spain adopts the hybrid system: alternative teaching and masks from the age of 6. But the infections are high
In Spain where the health situation has been critical for weeks, schools have remained open. After closing them at the beginning of the pandemic and not reopening them until September as in Italy, Ireland, Portugal me LithuaniaAs of September 7, 8 million Spanish students returned to class and were immediately registered countless infections sparking riots and protests against the government’s action plan. The numbers of cases in schools are among the highest in Europe. In the last days they count more 6,200 quarantined classrooms, with 27 schools even closed.
In the Iberian country with the second wave there is a hybrid system, half presence and half distance, which sparked complaints from parents: “It varies too much according to the region, the city, the institutes and even within the school itself,” the newspaper reports. The country. In Galicia, in the area of Valencia and in Andalusia, the protests of the students who go to school part time and their parents have reached the doors of the institutes. Among the most critical are those enrolled in their senior year of high school who fear they are less prepared than their peers who go to class every day. Although it exists, the controversy is less in those territories where mixed attendance has been limited to secondary school, such as Catalonia, Galicia and Canary Islands. And greater in the territories that have opted for this election in extremis, without enough time to prepare it.
For the rest, the measures for the schools still open are: masks if you are over 6 years old and strict hygiene standards that indicate wash your hands at least five times a day. Each student is tasked with take your temperature at home or at school before entering the classroom. The line indicated by the government is to create classes of up to 15 students with staggered admissions by time, but many regions (Madrid, The Rioja, Valencian Community me Murcia) prepare for distance learning alternatives. Anyone who has symptoms or is isolated or quarantined from having contact with a positive can enter school buildings. From one counter to another there must be a minimum 1.5 meters away, each child has a fixed place.
The organization of the Spanish Ministry of Education has also provided stable coexistence groups both in kindergarten and in the first years of primary school. Even in means of transport school masks the mask is always mandatory from the first grade.
United Kingdom, all attentive and without temperature measurements: everything is focused on distance
Also in United Kingdom children and young people of all ages continue to attend school, without even measuring the fever. Despite the British leader Boris johnson from Thursday, November 5 to December 2, it has decreed a new lock, continues the face-to-face lessons. The government has staked it all spacing which must be from two meters. Contacts of less than one meter are prohibited. About him More expensive the choice is left to the individual schools but, in the “red” areas, they are also mandatory in the high school classroom. Not only. In the latter case, they should also be used outdoors and in school vehicles. On the other hand, I contacts between different classes as well as staggered admissions are recommended. Among the recommendations that open the windows multiple times and wash your hands frequently.
Germany: schools present, but there are already 300,000 students and 30,000 teachers in quarantine
Doesn’t change the music on Germany where are the schools still all open but in the last hours the situation has become increasingly critical. The newspaper Image, reporting data from the federal teachers association, he wrote that there is 300 thousand students (out of 11 million) e 30 thousand teachers (out of 800 thousand teachers) quarantined placed in 40 thousand schools.
German experts call it “Closure-salami”, because it affects important parts of the school world, in a country that has chosen to keep students in the classroom (with face-to-face lessons) as long as possible so as not to penalize the development of children and young people due to the pandemic. The news comes the day after the statements of the Minister of Education, Anja Karlikzek, which has come out in favor of wearing masks in the classroom, even in primary school – a still hotly contested measure that, according to a poll, would see nearly half of Germans in favor. Until now, in fact, in Germany the the mask is mandatory for teachers, goalkeepers and secretariat. For students from the age of ten, it should be placed if they cannot respect the distance of one and a half meters. The measurement in the “red” area is more rigid. In this case, it is mandatory for everyone: elementary, middle and high school children.
Otherwise it is impossible to enter the classroom with acute symptoms From a flu-like illness: People with a cough, runny nose, cold, and fever should stay home. In the green and orange areas, children under the age of nine can go to school once the symptoms have passed, while those who live in the “red” area must do buffer or present the medical certificate to be able to return. Also in Germany the one and a half meter spacing but only from the age of ten.
France, schools open despite second closure
In France everything open, from childhood to high school. Although this country is also in a second lock As of October 30, the lessons continue but with reinforced protocols. And the first restriction concerned masks. The announcement oflower the minimum age for the mask from 11 to 6 years the Minister of Education did it, Jean-Michel Blanquer, in statements to the National Assembly before it approved the new restrictions imposed at the national level with 399 votes in favor and 27 against. The request to expand the audience came from various experts in recent days following the decision to keep the schools open. The minister explained that the student movement in institutions it will have to be limited, while the recreations will be organized by groups. As in Italy, families have to measure their children’s fever before sending them to school: if it exceeds 38 °, both in the case of a student and a relative, the student must stay home. There is also distancing in childhood between different classes but not in the same classroom. For higher order schools, the meter is mandatory for everyone.