Coronavirus Reggio Calabria – Gom, the most difficult day: one death and 30 hospitalizations


22:14 – 13 November 2020
First floor, Reggio Calabria

The Corporate Directorate of the GOM “Bianchi Melacrino Morelli” of Reggio Calabria announces that, unfortunately, even today there was a death.
He is an 80-year-old man who also suffers from serious concomitant pathologies with COVID-19 infection.
The hospital extends its condolences to the family members.
Today 352 subjects were tested for COVID-19. Eight of them tested positive.
After 30 hospitalizations, transfer to the ICU and 2 discharges, 125 patients positive for CoViD-19 are admitted to the hospital: 51 are in ordinary hospitalization in the Operative Unit of Infectious Diseases, 42 in Pulmonology, 22 in Medical Medicine. emergency and 10 in ICU.
So far, 285 patients have been admitted by the GOM (of these, 6 have had a double hospitalization for a total of 291 admissions).
34 patients died (another 5 deaths occurred outside the Reggio Calabria hospital).
There are 126 clinically cured patients.
The strong increase in patients is also due to the transformation of the Covid Brief Observation into a Covid Emergency Medicine ward. Observation patients are waiting to be sent home or hospitalized and therefore cannot be counted among hospitalizations. The patients who have been under observation in the last few days and who have been definitively hospitalized are, in fact, in emergency medicine from Covid.
The Directorate of the GOM continues to recommend, especially at this time of serious emergency, respect for contagion prevention measures, in particular it is recalled to respect interpersonal distance and maintain responsible social behaviors to protect the health of all. For the prevention and monitoring of the infection it is strongly recommended to use the “Immuni” application promoted by the Ministry of Health.
For information or in case of suspicious symptoms, contact the toll-free number 1500 and the toll-free number 800 76 76 76 in the Calabria region.
