
Pietro Senaldi
“It was inevitable” is the laconic comment of the pollster Fabrizio Masia to the poll carried out by its polling institute, Emg Aqua, for Agorà-Rai, which yesterday named Giorgia Meloni as the politician most loved by Italians for the first time in history. The Italian Brothers leader rose to a 39% consensus, beating Conte, who fell to 38 and behind Salvini by 4 points (34) and Zaia by six (32). Obviously the consensus does not automatically translate into votes, otherwise Forza Italia and Berlusconi’s Calenda’s Action would have 21% and Renzi’s Italia Viva 14, but on the right there is something to celebrate, also because Fdi is the only one-year party in constant growth, to the point of having surpassed the M5S, reaching just under 17%, the third largest electoral force in the country. «The overcoming against the prime minister is explained by the fact that Italians are tired, worried and even a little depressed by the new closures and expect answers from the government more than from the Regions; if the situation worsens, then it is inevitable that Conte will be the first to pay the price in terms of popularity “, analyzes Masia.

“Giorgia leads the party because it is perceived as practical, reliable and consistent and its growth seems unstoppable at the moment, except for political errors or external factors that can always occur in Italy”, comments the pollster. The reasons Meloni has risen so high in just a few years are a cocktail of personal gifts, political insight, and favorable contingencies. Fratelli d’Italia is the only force that has never ruled, so it is impeccable regarding the responsibilities of the national collapse. The party has managed to enter and expand its space, within the framework of the center-right, between the decline of Forza Italia and the economic ambiguity of the League, a point of reference for entrepreneurs, professionals and freelancers, but which, by necessity living with M5S, he was forced to vote both on the dignity decree and on income from citizenship. Although Giorgia is the driving force, he had the skill and finesse not to transform Fdi into an organization through the media. totally leading, as the Azzurri and Lega Nord players have always been. The frankness and spontaneity of the leader, perceptible at first glance and never denied by her behavior, in addition to her ability to make a tough but never gratuitously aggressive opposition and to use Parliament as a playing field, while preserving a minimum of dignity and significance for an institution that the government tries to ignore in every way.
What everyone is wondering is what the IDF leader will do now with this consensus, given that the elections are two and a half years away. Some time ago, many of his advisers suggested that he take advantage of the Covid emergency to support a public health government, which would allow him to take the stage as a protagonist. What was once Giorgetti’s idea and what Berlusconi is currently crying out for. Giorgia thought about it, but must have come to the conclusion that it was not worth losing the virginity of his government to play with a 6% parliamentary squad, well below the current strength of the Fdi. For the moment, the results are proving him right. However, there is a risk that Meloni will be the prisoner of a political paradox. He rises in approval for his consistency and critical force towards the government, but this prevents him from going around the table and condemns him to the role of the perfect opposition leader. The bet of the founder of Fdi is not to have to play this role forever. The presidency of the European Conservatives, obtained a few weeks ago also thanks to the diplomatic skills of its MEP Carlo Fidanza and his “international” staff are a first step towards the dream that Giorgia cultivate without confessing: Play the next game as number one.