
Giorgia Meloni on a rampage with Roberto Saviano. The author of Gomorrah attacked Lega and Fratelli d’Italia with the worst of weapons: a chilling video that portrays the sinking of a migrant ship. “Today that jackal Roberto Saviano uses the video of this shipwreck to attack me and the right – answered the leader of FdI -. A level lousy of political propaganda, which does not stop even in the face of death. Saviano knows very well that it is people like him who encourage exits in extremely dangerous improvised boats, who favor the work of smugglers, who tell the desperate to be calm because they will be saved by the NGO ships loved by Saviano. He knows it very well, but obviously it seems good to him: these tragedies are very useful for his business and for his immigration propaganda. I don’t know how such cynical people manage sleep at night“.

In Meloni’s viewer, the writer’s comment on the dramatic film: “Salvini and Meloni watch and watch this video again: infamous, you are jackals by profession. Stop your lies about who leaves, who arrives, who saves and who dies. “It is a pity, however, that Saviano seems to forget that there are Pd and Cinque Stelle in the government.