Ferrara, November 14, 2020 – In chromotherapy, orange is the color of joy. The meaning is quite different, outside of holistic disciplines: entering the ‘orange zone’, which will also happen tomorrow in Ferrara, with the signing of Minister Speranza’s decree, means a chaos which amplifies what was already perceived yesterday, with hundreds of activities to face the restrictions imposed two days ago by the Region.
For surface sales activities more than 250 square meters (150 in small municipalities) the lockout is already taking place today. Shopping centers, shops like Upim or CioGiusto, car showrooms, furniture stores, closed bookstores: “It is curious, however, that in the ‘red areas’ declared as such by the government – comment from an employee – the bookstores are open. “And many measure, yesterday, the sales areas, to understand if at least today (tomorrow the closing of the stores is mandatory) it will be possible to remain open: “My store is 260 square meters, but you have to discount the 60 square meter warehouse”, says Giulio Felloni. Same possibility for other stores, such as Kasanova and Outlet del Casalingo in piazza Trento and Trieste, and the small Tigotà (the one in via Bologna, on the other hand, omit the measurements).
But if today is, understandably, chaos, starting tomorrow a pandemonium. Suffice it to say that the measures of the ‘orange zone’ provide for the closure of bars and restaurants, seven days a week, with the only possibility of carrying. It will also be prohibited move outside the limits of your municipality, except justified need for work, study, health or other emergencies to prove.
So in theory, today is likely the last day for a breakfast at the bar, for a ‘brunch’ or a lunch, paying attention to the number of diners, and a trip out of townEven if the weather doesn’t tempt you Starting tomorrow, however, we will return to a situation defined as a ‘three-quarters confinement’: you will be able to leave the house and go shopping again on Monday (strictly alone). For the rest, with special attention to catering and there public exercises, the closing will be complete.
Except, as mentioned, the return to takeout (already introduced en masse, especially by restaurants, during the spring emergency). It is said that embittered Mayor Alan Fabbri: “The heaviest limitations are undoubtedly those related to the total closure of bars, restaurants, patisseries, ice cream parlors and movements that are no longer possible between different municipalities. I’m also sorry to point out the lack of communication between the central and regional governments, which leads us to have not only the restrictions of the orange zones, but also those included in the region’s ordinance. We are an orange that tends to red. I feel cheated“.
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