redundancy block as of March 31, provisioning node for red zones


Bonus income and citizenship, what is in the draft of the maneuver

Maneuver worth 38 billion: from here it will start again in 2021. Almost a month after the Council of Ministers approved it “subject to agreements”, the text of the maxi budget law arrives. But that is not enough. We are thinking of a huge new budget gap for 2021, which will likely be approved in December. Meanwhile, a Ristori ter decree is being prepared: the passage of Campania and Tuscany between the “red” regions and Friuli Venezia Giulia, Emilia Romagna and Marche between the “oranges” brings with it new closures and the need to increase the allocated funds. until now . And perhaps, as requested by the M5 but also Anci, to extend its reach.

– The single check for which an additional 3,000 million are allocated in 2021. Article 2 of the text establishes that they will arrive 3,012.1 million euros by 2021 and 5,500 million euros annually from 2022.

Assignment 340 million euros by 2021 and 400 million euros by 2022 bychildbirth allowance.

– Basic income: funds increase +196 million euros from 2021, from 2029 + 477 million euros.

350 million to improve the services of school transportation of Municipalities and Regions: in the draft of the maneuver, 200 million are allocated to increase the buses for students and 150 million to allow school buses to carry out the service in compliance with the anti-Covid regulations. It is about financing, according to the explanatory report of the autonomous public transport regulations, “essential complementary services for the start of the school year”.

One-time verification, we start July 1

– the tax reform: It is established «a Fund with an endowment of 2,500 million euros for the year 2022 and 1,500 million euros from the year 2023 ”. A fund called Tax loyalty fund which is destined, as of 2022, without prejudice to the achievement of the objectives of public finances, the amount of resources that are estimated as higher permanent income derived from the improvement ofspontaneous realization“At the end of the council of ministers that approved the maneuver more than three weeks ago, the government had announced the availability of 8 billion for the tax reform, also including the dowry of the single check.

– The Plastic tax and the Tax on sugar as of July 1, 2021

– Aid to foundations. The benefits received by non-commercial non-profit entities that carry out activities of general interest “do not contribute to the formation of taxable income by 50 percent from the current year to January 1, 2021.” In recent months, the banking world has received numerous requests for tax relief on banking foundations, which derive much of their dividend income from their holdings in bank capital.


The guarantee system to support companies is expanded. Measures are taken on Central Guarantee Fund Italy and also guarantees Sace. In the first case, to allow its release also in relation to loans destined in part to the renegotiation and consolidation of existing loans, therefore also debt provided that the loan provides for the disbursement of additional credit of at least 25% and with the condition that the issuance of the guarantee is adequate to determine a lower cost and / or a longer duration of the loan. Companies will be able to access alternative instruments to bank financing, such as credit transfers, even without solvency guarantees. The extension of the public guarantee to credit assignments without recourse, would allow anticipating and ensuring the monetary flows related to the commercial transaction adopting a flexible approach that adapts to the billing dynamics, without overloading the company’s balance sheet. Furthermore, medium-sized companies can also access the Italian Guarantee under the same favorable conditions as the Central Guarantee Fund. The maximum percentage of coverage for Sace guarantees is set at 70%. And finally, the issuance of Sace guarantees extends not only to banks and other financial institutions, but also to national or international insurance companies authorized to operate the credit and surety branch.

The “Fund to support women’s businesses“, In order to promote and support the start-up and strengthening of female entrepreneurship in which both non-reimbursable grants such as zero-rate loans, subsidized loans and combinations of non-reimbursable contributions and loans to start new companies. The maneuver quantifies the scope of the fund in 20 million for each of the years 2021 and 2022. The same endowment is also destined to the Fund for creative companies, destined to “promote new ventures and the development of companies in the sector, through grants, loans subsidized and their combinations “.

Tax credit for technological investments. As part of a broader strengthening of the program Transition 4.0 “Aimed at encouraging and accompanying companies in the process of technological transition and environmental sustainability, as well as in order to relaunch the investment cycle penalized by the emergency linked to COVID-19”, it is extended to December 31, 2022 the tax credit for investments in new capital goods. This is what we read in the draft of the maneuver that foresees “the improvement of subsidized rates, the increase in the amount of eligible expenses and the expansion of the objective scope”, and anticipates, “at the same time, the effective date of the innovators as of November 16, 2020 “.


The budget law confirms the layoffs blocking until March 31, 2021. The measure applies regardless of the number of company employees.

100% listing exemption, for a maximum of thirty-six months and for a maximum amount of 6,000 euros, for the hiring of people under 35 years of age. This is what the budget bill provides, which specifies that the exemption is recognized for a maximum of 48 months for contracting. in abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Basilicata, Sicily, Puglia, Calabria and Sardinia. The incentive is available to employers who have not made layoffs in the six months prior to hiring, nor continue in the following nine months. The law, we still read, is subject to the authorization of the European Commission.

– Another 5.3 billion to refinance twelve weeks of layoffs in 2021 to companies that are in difficulties due to the Covid emergency. The twelve weeks must be placed between January 1, 2021 and March 31, 2021 for ordinary redundancy benefits and between January 1, 2021 and June 30, 2021 for the Cig in repeal. Private employers, with the exception of the agricultural sector, that do not require the cig are granted exemption from paying social security contributions at their expense for an additional maximum period of eight usable weeks before March 31, 2021.


– The budget law is extended to 2021 i cousin in the field of energy requalification, micro-cogeneration plants, valorization of the building stock, purchase of furniture and large electrical appliances. The project also provides for the expansion of the facade bond and the so-called green bond. These are the deductions due for greening interventions of uncovered private areas of existing buildings, real estate units, fixtures or fences, irrigation systems and construction of wells, as well as the construction of green roofs and hanging gardens.


More funds to increase the salaries of doctors and nurses in the public health sector: everything is foreseen in the draft of the maneuver 835 million a year increase the exclusive allocation of medical, veterinary and health management by 27% (500 million) and recognize a specific nursing allocation (335 million). the National Health Fund therefore, it amounts to 121,370 million. Tamponi: a70 million also in 2021 for the execution of quick swabs by general practitioners and pediatricians of free choice to “support and decongest the diagnostic system” of positive cases in Covid. Due to the increase in specialization contracts, there are 105 million more in 2021 and 2022 and 109.2 million from 2023 to 2025.

Last updated: 23:06

