Maneuver worth 38 billion: increases for doctors and nurses, more resources for tampons – Economy


According to what has been learned, the maneuver for 2021 is worth 37.9 billion. The main items include the renewal of the Cig for more than 5 billion and the new anti-Covid fund of 4 billion. Among the measures with the greatest financial weight is also one of the innovations that will arrive in 2021, namely the introduction of the single check for around 3,000 million. The text, not yet final, includes 243 articles, divided into 21 chapters, from taxation to health, from work and family to the recovery fund.

More funds to increase salaries for doctors and nurses public health: in the draft of the maneuver, a total of 835 million per year is foreseen to increase the exclusive compensation for medical, veterinary and health management by 27% (500 million) and recognize a specific nursing allocation (335 million). The National Health Fund therefore amounts to 121,370 million that will also be used to give more tampon resources by general practitioners (70 million) and increase specialization contracts (105 million more in 2021 and 22 and 109.2 million from 2023 to 2025).

By the single check An additional 3,000 million are allocated in 2021. Article 2 of the text establishes that 3,012.1 million euros will arrive by the year 2021 and 5,500 million euros per year from 2022.

Four billion in 2021 to finance anti-Covid measuresAccording to what can be read in a draft of the maneuver, the establishment of an ad hoc fund is confirmed to “allow the timely adjustment” of the interventions “to support productive activities.” “The Fund is divided – read – with one or more decrees of the President of the Council of Ministers, at the proposal of the Minister of Economy, in agreement with the Ministers concerned for the refinancing for the year 2021 of measures of economic and financial support already adopted in 2020 to deal with the economic consequences arising from the emergency “.

Another 5.3 billion to refinance twelve weeks of layoffs in 2021 to companies that are in difficulties due to the Covid emergency. The twelve weeks must be placed between January 1, 2021 and March 31, 2021 for ordinary redundancy benefits and between January 1, 2021 and June 30, 2021 for the Cig in repeal. Private employers, with the exception of the agricultural sector, that do not require the cig are granted exemption from paying social security contributions at their expense for an additional maximum period of eight usable weeks before March 31, 2021.

The citizenship income fund increases by 4 billion from 2021 to 2029. The budget, according to the draft of the maneuver for next year, has increased by 196.3 million euros for 2021, 473.7 million euros for 2022, 474.1 million euros for 2023, € 474.6 million by 2024, € 475.5 million by 2025, € 476.2 million by 2026, € 476.7 million by 2027, € 477.5 million by 2028 and € 477.3 million euros annually from the year 2029.

The “Support Fund for Women’s Companies” is born, in order to promote and support the start-up and strengthening of female entrepreneurship. This can be read in the budget bill that includes both non-repayable grants and interest-free loans, concessional loans, and combinations of grants and loans to start new businesses. The maneuver quantifies the scope of the fund at 20 million for each of the years 2021 and 2022. The same endowment is also destined to the Fund ‘for creative companies’ destined to “promote new ventures and the development of companies in the sector, through of contributions to the fund lost loans, subsidized and their combinations “.

Building, furniture and green bonuses have been extended. The budget law extends the bonuses for energy remodeling, micro-cogeneration plants, recovery of the building stock, purchase of furniture and large appliances by 2021. The project also provides for the expansion of the facade bond and the so-called green bond. These are the deductions due for greening interventions of uncovered private areas of existing buildings, real estate units, fixtures or fences, irrigation systems and construction of wells, as well as the construction of green roofs and hanging gardens.

100 million arrive in 2021 for the refinancing of the mobility voucher, intended for the purchase of electric and non-electric bicycles, scooters and hoverboards. It can be read in the draft of the maneuver where it is explained that the resources available to date would not be enough to cover the requests. The measure is financed with part of the income from the auctions of CO2 emissions quotas.

Four billion for tax reform from 2022. To implement the measures related to the reform of the tax system, a Fund is created with an endowment of 2,500 million euros for the year 2022 and 1,500 million euros in the budget of the Ministry of Economy and Finance from the year 2023 “. The draft budget law also establishes “a fund called the Fiscal Loyalty Fund to which, as of 2022, without prejudice to the achievement of public finance objectives, the amount of resources estimated as higher permanent income derived from de improving spontaneous realization “.

Unions by Conte on Monday. The general secretaries of CGIL, CISL and UIL, Maurizio Landini, Annamaria Furlan and Pierpaolo Bombardieri, were summoned by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte for a discussion on the budget law, on Monday afternoon, November 16.

The squeeze is coming on short rentals. Those who rent more than 4 homes, with contracts for a maximum duration of one month, will be treated as a business for tax purposes. The measure is contained in the draft of the maneuver and also establishes that the flat-rate coupon at 21% for short rentals (always no later than 30 days) applies only in cases where no more than 4 apartments are rented for each tax period.

The baby bonus remains in effect. Despite the arrival from next July of the single check. This is what we read in the draft of the maneuver. The bonus (calculated based on the ISEE and for a minimum amount of € 960 per year) will be paid to all children born or adopted between January 1 and December 31, 2021. The cost is estimated at € 340 million for 2021 at 400 million euros by 2022.
