
Today in Friuli Venezia Giulia 831 new infections were detected (7,121 swabs were made) and 8 deaths from Covid-19. The current cases of infection are 9,284. There are 47 patients in intensive care treatment, while the number of hospitalized in other departments amounts to 366. The totally cured are 7,981, the clinically cured 133 and the isolated persons 8,738.
In today’s detail of the data on Covid-19 in Friuli Venezia Giulia, the eight deaths refer to: a 99-year-old woman from Dogna who died in the San Daniele del Friuli hospital, a 94-year-old woman from Remanzacco who died in the hospital of Palmanova, a 93-year-old woman from Trieste who died in a Trieste Asp, a 91-year-old man from Trieste who died in a Trieste Asp, an 89-year-old woman from Tarcento who died in an Asp of Tarcento, an 86-year-old woman from Trieste who died in an Asp in Trieste and, finally, two men from Udine (79 and 76 years old) who died in the Udine hospital.
Regarding the new positivity to the virus, in the sector of nursing homes 48 cases of people housed in regional structures have been detected, while the health workers who have been infected within the same structures are in total 17.
Regarding the regional health system (SSR), the positivity for Covid of eight nurses, two administrators, a midwife, a laboratory technician, five Oss, a social worker and four doctors must be registered with the health authority of the Friuli Centrale university ; in the West Friuli health authority: three nurses, two Oss and two doctors; at the Giuliano Isontina University Healthcare Company: three nurses, a health assistant, an administrative officer, an Oss and two doctors.
Regarding schools, the following infections are recorded: a child at the Il Girasole nursery school in Aviano, a child at the Villa d’Arco nursery school in Pordenone, a pupil at the Montereale Valcellina primary school, a child at the Santa Lucia Rorai nursery school in Pordenone, student at the Turoldo de Montereale Valcellina secondary school, student at the Il Tagliamento di Spilimbergo Agricultural Institute, son at the Panciera school in Zoppola, teacher at the Carli Institute in Trieste, teacher at the Svevo Integral Institute in Trieste , a student at the Petrarca high school in Trieste, a student at the Galilei high school in Trieste and a student at the Corsi high school in Trieste.
Finally, the positivity of the virus of four people who returned from abroad (United States, Romania, Ecuador and Albania) must be registered.