The largest drive through in Italy opens in via Novara in Milan


On Friday, November 13, the largest ‘Drive through’ in Italy was inaugurated in the Parco Trenno in via Novara, where it will be possible to undergo rapid smears and a possible molecular test.

Present at the center’s inauguration were the President of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana, the General Director of the Milan Ats, Walter Bergamaschi, the General Director of Asst Santi Paolo and Carlo, Matteo Stocco and the colonel, Fabio Zullino.

How the new ‘Drive Through’ works

Until Saturday, specifies a note from the Lombardy region, transit stations are reserved for local police and civil protection operators, while from Monday 16 there will be tests for students and school personnel.

The center will be equipped with eight lines for rapid Sars-Civ2 tests and one for molecular swabs. All this is located in an area of ​​2,000 square meters with five tents with a tensioned structure, seven inflatable pneumatic tents and a container for the storage of special waste.

The ‘Drive’ is exclusively dedicated to the assessment of symptomatic cases in the school world, the only area for which direct access is provided. Only students and teaching and non-teaching staff of the school who have already received an indication from their doctor or pediatrician or who come directly from the school and have not been able to contact their doctor will be able to take the tests without reservation.

I thank the army and civil protection – said President Fontana – for the important contribution they have made to the realization of this ‘Drive Through’: it will be very useful to ‘lighten up’ the Milanese hospitals that, in recent weeks, have carried out thousands and thousands of swabs for students and school staff. In this way, therefore, we will speed up the screening of these types and, at the same time, all other citizens who will have more ‘slots’ at their disposal will also benefit. It is also thanks to initiatives like these that we can carry out more than 50,000 tests a day ”.

Outbreak monitoring

The new ‘Drive Through’ in via Novara – explains Pirellone – who created it in collaboration with Ats Città Metropolitana, Municipality of Milan, Italian army, civil protection and Asst Santi Paolo e Carlo – will allow about 800 quick swabs from Monday to Saturday from 8 to 14. Once the result is received (within 20 minutes), if it is positive, the citizen must also perform the molecular swab.

“The measures taken with the ordinance of the last weeks – explained the general manager of Ats Walter Bergamaschi – are beginning to take effect. The Rt index is always greater than 1, so new cases continue to increase every day, but it is close to the value of 1, which means the peak value, where essentially the number of infections remains stable. “
