The phone call a Joe biden, whose absence had put the prime minister under attack, finally arrived. Giuseppe Conte the president-elect of the United States, in a conversation that defines Palazzo Chigi “To warm”. “We have a lot to work on together,” the message Biden sent to the prime minister.
Conte, who often relies on personal relationships inempathy personal, he was not denied even this time and in the interview he began by highlighting the Italian origins of his wife, Jill biden (the original last name is Giacoppo) and above all he invited the President of the United States to Italy. The phone call must end one persistent criticism I respect the supposed closeness between Conte and Donald trump, proximity derived mainly from the famous “Giuseppi”, the mistake in the name of the Italian prime minister on the part of the president of the United States in a message of tweet.
Biden reiterated, as can be seen from Palazzo Chigi, “the very strong will of to collaborate with Italy compared to global challengesThe two also talked about the three points of G20 program, of which Italy holds the presidency: People, Planet me Prosperity, and Biden assured Conte that these “are also his priority“. Biden pointed out that theEurope is an important point of reference and, in a conversation that confirms a vision progressive on the part of the new president of the United States, the two leaders shared the commitment of “a Sustainable development, fairer and more fair“.
Conte also spoke of the three team which he considers very relevant for international projection from Italy in 2021 on the plane environmental and social: World Health Summit, the Cop26, in addition to the G20. “There is a lot to work on together,” replied Biden, who also shared the importance of Mediterranean as a place to search stability in the Middle East, to be achieved through collaboration with the US. An obvious reference to the state of Libya – but also to conflicts with the Turkey – in which the United States has so far escaped. This attitude could be revised especially if the Secretary of State were appointed. Susan rice that, however, is criticized by Republicans precisely for his statements about the attacks on the consulate of Benghazi in 2012.