
press release – The text on distance education was born in the wave of emergency and should continue to be so. Integrated teaching is something else. In Italy there is nothing more durable than what is born as provisional.
Rights and opportunities need to be redesigned. An administrative act is not enough. We need a real professional contract, if not a framework law introducing integrated distance education in schools.
When a teacher teaches at a distance, he teaches in people’s homes. You do not know what the conditions are, who is listening, if the lesson is recorded. It can happen that you are questioned and the evaluation is questioned, as it can happen that the lesson, fruit of personal ingenuity, of professionalism acquired over the years, is reproduced and disseminated in defiance of any intellectual copyright. Contradictions denied by the contract and provided for by applicable laws.
Parents in smart working and teachers in Dad: it is a case that is more and more frequent. Does everyone attend and call it school? Okay, we are in an emergency and we have no alternative.
But when it becomes DDI, the context changes; it is about introducing a model that changes life and profession, with a thousand interdisciplinary facets and direct responsibilities for teachers, managers, families.
What is being composed is a completely new scenario.
The idea of the teacher in his class, protected from conditioning, is an idea that contrasts with the hypothesis of a contract.
It is true that the world is changing, but with a not inconsiderable complication, we must be able to understand the scope of the changes and we need a debate in the country and in parliamentary chambers.
We cannot count on administrative measures for matters so delicate that they change fundamental social relations, contractual rights and duties, without considering the constitutional prerogatives of freedom of education, only declared and not guaranteed.
Thus, the general secretary of Uil Scuola, Pino Turi, met at the end of the national executive of Uil Scuola to take stock of the contract on distance education.
We were the first to affirm the centrality of the school in presence, now we are the first to say that it must be in presence if it is safe. So we can talk about DDI.
The school is a function of the State, not of socio-social assistance and digitization is a tool and not an end.
We must take note of the truth of the facts, Turino observes, of the alternative facts that are hoaxes, false. They do not work.
It is not by repeating a false fact over and over that it becomes true. Scientific evidence is needed. The results are visible in the pandemic.
We cannot risk this happening for distance education as well.
The teachers, in full emergency, invented the father. To closed schools.
Now with the second wave of the pandemic, a minister appropriates it and transforms it into DDI, with open schools.
A text that has not been the object of confrontation, of parliamentary scrutiny, of professional analysis – because, underlines Turi – is destined to govern only the emergency.
In Italy there is nothing more durable than the provisional – Turi relaunches.
This text will eventually become final. Can not be. It is about redesigning the horizon of schools, the professionalism of people. We need solid and serious references that allow us to develop a real contract that respects the constitutional nature of the school and the transformation underway. It takes time, skills and interdisciplinarity, and there hasn’t been. Haste is not a good advisor.
Governments approve contracts remain – adds Turi.
We must overcome the current drift in which the school is a daily field of political confrontation while the rulers with their decisions are implementing the regionalization of the school. Because national politics cannot decide and when it does it confuses everyone.
The proposal that arises from the Executive of the Uil Scuola is that of a referendum on the hypothesis of a distance education contract that, overcoming the distinctions, and respecting the different positions, offers the workers the force of a choice based on consent , in sharing, on certain rules, on rights that have solid foundations, not on stilts swaying on the wave of the emergency and giving a response of democratic participation, the only one that can unite us to combat the dangerous enemy pandemic.