BOLZANO. In the last 24 hours, the laboratories of the health company made 3,183 swabs, for 1,216 new people subjected to the test. 820 new registered positive cases.
Unfortunately, the number of deadThere have been 9 deaths in the last 24 hours for a total of 374 since the start of the pandemic.
In the hospital rooms are 343 people hospitalized, while others 41 patients found in intensive care. 110 beds are occupied in affiliated private facilities.
Finally, people in home isolation 8,782.
At the provincial level to date (November 13) there have been a total of 269,673 tampons are 135,924 people.
The numbers in brief:
Swabs made yesterday (Nov 12): 3,183
New positive cases: 820
Number of people who tested positive for coronavirus by PCR: 15,984
Total number of swabs performed: 269,673
Number of people subjected to the PCR test: 135,924 (+1,216)
Covid-19 patients admitted to normality hospital rooms: 343
Covid-19 patients admitted to the Private facilities with agreements: 110
Patients with Covid-19 in isolation at the facilities of Colle Isarco and Sarnes: 92 (82 in Colle Isarco and 10 in Sarnes)
Number of Covid patients admitted to wards intensive care: 41
Deceased total (including nursing homes): 374 (+9)
People in isolation at home: 8,782 (of which 5 return from Croatia, Greece, Spain or Malta)
People who have concluded quarantine and home isolation: 38,266 (of which 1,545 return from Croatia, Greece, Spain or Malta)
People who have so far been imposed mandatory quarantine or isolation measures: 47,048
People healed: 5,896 (+332). To these are added 1,105 (+13) people who took a test with an uncertain or unclear result and subsequently came back negative. Total: 7,001 (+345)
The increase in the number of collaborators tested positive, which was communicated with the press release of 11/12. refers to the period 31.10. – 11.11.
As of 10.30 .: Employees of the Sanitary Company positive to the test: 368, 231 recovered positive general practitioners and pediatricians of free choice: 21, 15 recovered.
At 11.11.: Collaborators of the Healthcare Company positive to the test: 773, 366 recovered. Positive general practitioners and pediatricians of free choice: 31, 21 recovered.