Sovereigns to the rescue. Thus Giorgia Meloni surpassed Conte – Il Tempo


Francesco Storace

Now Giorgia Meloni has a little more responsibility representing that deep Italy that wants to get out of this damn crisis. The Emg-Acqua survey released yesterday morning from Agorà -and that Luisella Costamagna rightly called sensationalist in its broadcast on RaiTre- clearly overturns the fable that Giuseppe Conte has lived in these months of living with the coronavirus. Giorgia Meloni surpasses the premier in the approval of the Italians. It is true, they are polls, but until they are voted, they represent the only tool to understand what the general orientations of the people are. And seeing the leader of the Italian right at the top also takes on the meaning of revenge for millions of Italians who had been orphaned by the parent company and are now meeting again.

Forceful survey, Giorgia Meloni surpasses Conte.  Government in chaos

The president of the Brothers of Italy with 39% popular approval; Count to 38; Matteo Salvini at 34; Luca Zaia at 32. Translation: Among the top four personalities at the top of approval ratings for Italian politics, three are center-right. The League itself has two of its exponents in the first positions, to find a leftist you have to go down to fifth place with Stefano Bonaccini, governor of Emilia Romagna, who even surpasses Nicola Zingaretti. The leader of the Democratic Party stays at 26%, Bonaccini surpasses it and reaches 27.

Conte’s flop is highlighted by another Emg-Acqua card. The Italians were asked: “Have we arrived prepared or not prepared for the second wave?” The response is disruptive: 2% choose not to respond, 5% express a favorable opinion on the preparation of Italy, 93% express thunderous opposition. A tasty tweet: “Comrades and friends who struggle with the keyboard. It is useless work. Where we are wrong #Meloni has become the politician most appreciated by Italians.

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Conte’s parable has begun and a new phenomenon can be seen. Represented precisely by Giorgia Meloni, who makes use of an indisputable capacity for study and analysis that has allowed her to appear without falling into the superficiality of the Italian political scene. It is an enormous capital for the entire center-right in the face of a prime minister who squanders peaks of consensus that seemed so high with his attitudes.

Giorgia Meloni, with great patience, knew how to weave a plot that in the first place led her to have no obstacles on the right because everyone, in a world that seemed destined to disappear, recognized her leadership. And it certainly wasn’t an easy operation. Then he was able to highlight a capacity for relationship also at an international level, also consecrated by the recent promotion to the presidency of the European Conservatories. His party, Fratelli d’Italia, seems to follow Meloni without internal shocks. And this strategy has led Fdi – the EMG survey still attests to this – to leave behind the Five Star problem, which is now lower and lower in fourth position; and he is four points behind that Pd who had the illusion of being able to overcome the League and instead must be careful to overtake on the right. She herself prophesied it some time ago: “In a few months, the first two politicians that Italians like will be the two from the center right.”

And the numbers indicate the majority of the center-right in the country. La Liga with 24.8 and Fratelli d’Italia with 16.3; Forza Italia at 6.8 and Cambiamo by Giovani Toti at 1.2. The sum total is 49.1. Italy could have a government supported by a coalition worthy of the name, but the Pd and Grillini prefer to focus on a proportional electoral law to poison the wells when the vote finally takes place. But Zingaretti with its 20% and the five stars now nailed to 14 and increasingly decreasing will never be a majority, neither numerical nor political. The center-right, to arrive healthy at the next policies, should only avoid arguing. Either way, the leader will decide the voters. And compared to the left it is a great advantage to have at least two of them while there is not one there.
