The cheat of the pads, making the Lazio Region seem more virtuous than the others – Il Tempo


A “ballet” that pretends to appear more virtuous than the others. And the Lazio Region pad set where the number of tampons and therefore the positives are calculated according to different criteria than those applied by most of the other Italian regions. In fact, the Region led by Nicola Zingaretti I count so much both molecular swabs and antigen tests, a sum that affects the daily upload of data on positives on the Istituto Superiore di Sanità platform, explains Republic.

Only in the last few hours the Ministry of Health has made a request to the region in this regard, but Lazio has been like this for weeks and the other regions in the absence of a national directive have not adapted. The result is that the comparison is not reliable. “In the case of Lazio, in fact, compared to the daily average number of swabs detected, around 60% belong to the molecular family, while 40% belong to antigens. The number of antigens, therefore, ends in weigh significantly when included in the overall count, contributing to asignificantly reduce the contagion rate“he explains Republic revealed by Zingaretti’s tampon ballet: the more tests that result, the more the positive rate will be reduced.

“On November 5, Veneto declared 16,000 molecular swabs with 3,200 new infections. On the same day, the number of swabs transmitted in Lazio was 30,000 per 2,700 infections. 10mila tamponi antigenici that Veneto had not counted. Result: the percentage of new positives in the northern region was double that in Lazio ”, writes the newspaper.
