Genoa. It will be available for civil protection starting tomorrow Best Western Hotel in via Ponte Calvi, in the historic center of Genoa, which will be transformed into a low-intensity hospital for Covid-positive patients with less severe symptoms. This is confirmed by the regional councilor Giacomo Giampedrone: today the signing of the contract, then the lightning works to install the first 100 beds in the 50 rooms of the hotel and the first patients will arrive on Saturday, as confirmed by the president Giovanni All at a press conference. Some will be reserved for families with children.

However, as expected, the residents of the FossatelloSqueezed between via San Luca, via del Campo and the Via Gramsci seafront, they raised the barricades as soon as they heard the news. In particular those of vico del Griffone 15, an eight-story condominium that borders directly with the hotel and shares a very narrow one with it cavedio where the windows of hotel rooms almost touch those of private houses.
“No need to add more risks when the situation is already critical, since here we had the cluster with the highest infections in Genoa, “he accuses Monica sciutto, resident of the top floor. The terrace of his house is located next to the ventilation system of the Best Western Hotel. “We assume that plants will be installed filtration, but we are not calm. We should be informed about the procedures that will be adopted ”.

Then he leads us to see the axis: “Distances are not respected, between one window and another there are 80 centimeters and in any case less than a meter and a half. And we fear that sealing the windows is not the ideal solution: I cannot imagine how the sick could be cured in these conditions ”.
Discontent bounces from one building to another. In the opposite lives Giovanna parodi, wife of Pietro Da Passano who is the former director of the Doge’s Palace: “The choice to include a Covid hospital seems risky and inappropriate to us. It’s crazy. And I don’t think they will stay inside, we don’t know if they will be controlled. We do not understand how it is possible to have come so far, I can guarantee that the whole neighborhood is in shock ”.
Replicate is Gianfranco Castagnetti that along with Andrea Quattrone manage the Best Western Hotel Porto Antico di via al Ponte Calvi: “We will welcome people who need a protected environment where they can spend their quarantine in isolation, thus avoiding other possible infections. The Local Health Authority, after the appropriate evaluations, considered that the hotel was adequate from a structural point of view, the service offered and health security for all citizens ”. There is no guarantee on air filtration but “the ASL has considered the systems suitable and in order for the needs,” adds Castagnetti.

Meanwhile the neighbors moved by sending a letter to the Region and several councilors asking “that it be used other structure reasonably distant from civilian homes, if possible public to avoid spending money on individuals. We want to protect our health also taking into account that the building is inhabited by many elderly people, one of whom is immunosuppressed, another with serious illnesses and three minors ”.
The hotel members claim the reasons for the election: “We believe that in this emergency everyone should do their part and we have For community service and institutions of our hotel, with their services. On this path we are all called to contribute with an ethical sense and humanity ”.
But the inhabitants will not go from suffering the so-called syndrome NIMBY, the one for whom “everything is fine but not in my garden”. “I find one controversy sterileWe said solidarity but this is incompatible with our health ”, says Monica Sciutto. “We have nothing against these people – he adds Alessandro Avitabile, resident in the same condominium and employee in a store in via San Luca – but at least we would like to have the guarantee that there is no interference. These are technical problems and distances. The merchants are continuously controlled by respect for distances, in this case they are not respected ”.

Either way, the decision is made. The contract was expected to be signed today to make the entire structure available to the Region. In the next few hours, civil protection will begin to set up the rooms together with the ASL, which will then manage them with its own staff supported by some external cooperatives. “These are positive patients who are asymptomatic or not very symptomatic, however does not need medical attention if not, it should be followed in the course of the disease ”, explained President Toti.
Beyond the “spirit of service” towards the community, the administration will raise an amount that should be around 113 euros per day for each patient, as reported by the regional councilor for civil protection Giacomo Giampedrone. “Our objective – confirms the commissioner – is to reach a maximum of 150 seats in that hotel. “Which would mean, in a month at full capacity, more than half a million euros. Costs that the Region must anticipate until they are reimbursed by the government.
In liguria there will be no requisition of hotels or rsa for low intensity treatment, seen as a possibility by the government if there were no facilities available: “I must say that this option has never been taken into account because in Liguria there has been a great collaboration by Federalberghi and the health establishments,” Toti concluded.