Luigi Di Maio: “Desperate Campania, unjust local authorities”


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“Campania is out of control and the need to expand the red zones is evident.” This is what Luigi Di Maio says in an interview with the press, in which he points a finger at the local authorities who “have shown little loyalty. That’s enough. The State must intervene ”, because the“ need to expand the red zones is evident ”.

Now that he is a State, since he is Chancellor and has held high government positions for years, the former political leader of the 5 stars exerts pressure on the Executive. He says he is “shocked” by the video of the patient who died in the bathroom of the Cardarelli hospital in Naples; He adds that “I have been receiving very serious complaints for days.” That is why “we have to intervene, we do not govern with jokes, but we need a pulse, a decision. And they need us now because later it will be too late ”.

Campania, his homeland, “is on its knees”, adds Di Maio, “we need restrictions immediately, we should not have come to this, people are dying.” But the Campania health service “has been in trouble for decades,” he adds, “it was used as an ATM, nobody cared. Today we are paying the consequences.”

Di Maio does not exclude the national confinement: he affirms that “I am not directly making these decisions”, but stresses that “we must stop the trend, free hospitals, we cannot risk that there are no beds for those who have a car accident or he has to undergo chemotherapy for a tumor. ”In this, however,” as always we have the scientific committee. “
