Data that reveals the futility of the restrictions ▷ “We are fine in Sweden without blocking”


France, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Colombia, Mexico, Panama, Ecuador. It is the non-indifferent part of the world that has done worse than Sweden in the management of the coronavirus. In this long list of nations, Covid deaths per million inhabitants exceed Swedish standards, although Sweden is often spoken of as an ill-advised role model.

Protecting the vulnerable and setting the least exposed groups free does not seem to convince the vast majority of European countries, but according to those who live there, the way the Swedish state is counted in other countries does not represent the whole truth.
According to the psychiatrist, it’s not about denial Martina D’Orazio, who told in ‘A special day’ how the Swedish government has recommended from the beginning that citizens respect hygiene rules and avoid meetings.

So what distinguishes much-disputed Sweden from other states? The primacy of the Constitution over hygiene and health standards that, on the other hand, dominate in many European nations, often neglecting several basic rights.
Here is the testimony of Dr. D’Orazio to the microphones of Fabio Duranti and Francesco Vergovich.

What worked in Sweden? I believe that first of all the rational management of Covid-19 worked, that is, having planned a management of Covid based on what Covid really is: a virus that in 80% of cases does not give any type of symptoms, in 15 % of cases with flu-like symptoms and only 5% of cases go to the hospital for some treatment.
Therefore, starting from this assumption and considering the target of people who get sick. the Government and the Ministry of Health have carried out long-term planning.

It was clear from the start that the problem would not go away in a few months, but the world would have to deal with it for at least two years. So now we are witnessing the classic open-close accordion effect that Sweden wanted to avoid from the beginning, precisely because in a world without borders it is impossible to think about being able to close the virus outside the home, to be able to play hide-and-seek with it and make the war. . The virus is among us.

It was also clear that Covid deaths are only the tip of the iceberg and what we are seeing now is what we still cannot fully see is the base of this iceberg: submerged deaths. Both the concrete and the indirect ones of Covid, so all other pathologies were in the background. It occurs in countries that have made the closure and have not resorted to an improvement in health.
Then, of course, there was an emergency in Sweden too, but we also focused on symbolic deaths and the burden of the impoverishment of the economy.

In Sweden, efforts have been made to protect risk categories. Let’s not forget that Italians have 40% of the deaths in nursing homes in Italy, but this does not mean that there has been a death of the elderly. This is not important for statistical purposes, because if we compare the 2020 mortality curve in Sweden and Italy, it is broadly comparable with the mortality curves of previous years. That’s why this misconception has also passed: that Covid is a deadly virus for everyone, when it is not.

In the world we have 50 million positives and a million deaths: this brutal figure in no way justifies the collective psychosis that has developed around the world. Here it is not just a question between Italy and Sweden, between who is doing better and who is worse, but the fact that it is a virus that has had a non-significant impact on all companies.“.


