Schools closed in Palermo, Razza attacks Orlando: “He knows the data well, fear is not fed”


“The mayor of Palermo knows the data every day, do not feed fear.” This is the harsh response of the regional health advisor, Ruggero Razza, after the closure of schools in Palermo decided by Leoluca Orlando.

“The people of Palermo should know that every day their mayor participates in a summit in the Prefecture with Asp and the Commissioner for the emergency, for which they are informed daily about the health situation and about the implementation of the hospital plan. If you have more particular requests, please ask them there – continues Razza -. The mayor did not understand that this is not the time for institutions against institutions. I have given the Covid commissioner a mandate to contact the Municipality once again, so that there are no more misunderstandings. Having had to belatedly acknowledged that the ASP sends data on infections every day, he doesn’t think it is necessary to feed fears when simply picking up the phone is enough.

“I do not understand why he responded to me now and did not respond first to the other mayors who already closed schools since yesterday, including, for example, all those in the province of Enna,” Orlando replied. That said, if the data is like this. accessible and above all so reassuring, and I would be the one to feed the fear, I will be happy, really honest and deeply happy to be denied by the publication and the reassuring distribution to the citizens of the information on the number of beds currently operational and available, hospital by hospital, to face the emergency. “

Since Monday schools closed in Palermo but open kindergartens, Orlando: I decided reluctantly

“Despite your concerns, I understand that xindaco Orlando receives periodically and daily from the ASP of Palermo updated news on the progress of the epidemiological situation that the regional government monitors through the Covid Commissioner and the technical structures at its disposal. ‘Councilor Razza, in compliance with the current DPCM and the ordinance of the President of the Region, we have reminded the Mayors to subordinate any closure measure to the preventive technical-sanitary opinion of the competent Prevention Department of the ASP – says the Councilor for Education Regional Roberto Lagalla – If his measure were taken unilaterally and without the consolation of the competent health authority, the mayor of Palermo would assume a serious responsibility, inappropriately generating greater and unjustified social alarm and depriving students and families of the fundamental right to health. I study, for the regular exercise of what teachers and the school world have lavished on and are wasting dedication and sacrifices. I think of the serious repercussions of educational interruptions on early school leaving and the most socially and economically fragile issues. Mayor Orlando will agree that this is not the time for institutional tears and improvised prominence, but for hard-working collaborations in the interest of the city and younger generations. The school is a defense of civilization and legality, as well as a place of learning and relationships, and cannot suffer, except for documented health reasons, the repercussions of untimely absences ”.

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