The goal is to try to avoid crowds seen until a few days ago, especially on weekends, from Milan to Palermo via Rome and Naples. And so, in view of the weekend, the ordinances of the mayors of the great Italian cities on roads, parks, shops and beaches multiply: selective closures also to avoid a more extensive confinement. On the other hand, as we explain who, the possibility of “closing streets and squares even before 9 pm” is exposed in a circular from the Viminale to the prefects after the measures launched with the new Dpcm. The circular will have a minimum duration of 15 days, but without exceeding the period of validity of the Dpcm, that is, on December 3.
The cities that anticipate the new narrow closing streets and squares
“The Ministry of the Interior wants to help mayors through the prefects to make decisions to avoid gatherings,” explained the Undersecretary of the Interior Achille Variati. A collaboration agreement between the State and the mayors so that local decisions are taken in the citizen security committees tight on the weekend. “Where are they already in force or are new measures expected in the next few hours? Let’s take stock.
Naples and the mysterious anti-covid disposition of de Magistris
Among the most urgent cases is Naples, a city in the yellow zone with “moderate risk” but whose epidemiological data and those from hospitals under pressure are not reassuring. The invitation to stay home as long as possible does not seem to have been very successful: the president of the Campania region, Vincenzo De Luca, defined the images of the Naples waterfront taken last weekend as “sensational and truly unsustainable” .
Today the municipal administration has denied a news appeared in the newspaper The morning: No ban on pedestrian circulation was extended to the entire territory to avoid concentrations, but Mayor Luigi de Magistris has announced “a sensational initiative” to contain the coronavirus infection in the city. And think of a “wide provision”, which will be launched on Friday after a confrontation with the prefect, which would not include the closure of individual routes. “We await the monitoring data of the city – said the mayor of Naples to the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza -, as was also promised in Milan.”
Rome, in case of barriers and restrictions on shopping streets
In Rome, however, we moved towards anti-crowd controls in parks and on the coast and possible contingencies of presence in the main shopping streets during the weekend. These are some of the hypotheses that emerged from the technical table coordinated by the Police Headquarters to analyze and identify where and what “presence containment modules” in the capital will begin on Friday. The measures will be discussed and launched in the provincial committee for order and security chaired by the prefect of Rome Matteo Piantedosi.
Hypothesis limitation of entry to the squares of Florence
In Florence, Mayor Dario Nardella, after a meeting with the prefect, decided “apply the rules provided by the orange band, therefore the closing of bars and restaurants on weekends. However, if things go wrong and we see that the behavior does not change, with large crowds, then I will propose to limit the entrance to the squares in the center, “he added.
The new order of Bonaccini in Emilia-Romagna
A Bolognainstead, squares and streets of the historic center will be prohibited for any type of initiative, demonstration and event. This was decided by Mayor Virginio Merola, who signed an ordinance in force since November 12 to avoid gatherings. The activities of street artists, already suspended by the Dpcm, are also included in the ban.
Not only. Stop at the weekend shops (including department stores and those in shopping parks), only one family member can shop. And again: prohibition of the consumption of food and beverages in public spaces, but only sitting in bars and restaurants, not races in historical centers, only in green areas. These are the measures provided for in the ordinance signed by the President of the Region, Stefano Bonaccini, valid in Emilia-Romagna from Saturday November 14 to December 3. It contains other restrictive measures, which are added to the national ones already in force on the basis of the last Dpcm of the Government and provide for the areas of the yellow stripe, which aim to stop the spread of infection, protect public health and guarantee full operation regional health structures.
The regional ordinance in Veneto: from 3:00 p.m. it is consumed only sitting at the table, stopping for a walk in the center
New restrictive measures also in Veneto. Governor Luca Zaia introduced the new regional ordinance, which takes effect at midnight and imposes new restrictions to discourage gatherings. The main novelties concern the city center and the bars and restaurants, which can remain open (always until 6 in the afternoon) but, from 3 in the afternoon, drinks will only be possible while sitting at the table, both inside and outside. After 3:00 p.m. it can no longer be consumed standing up. It is also forbidden to consume food and drink in a public area, except sitting at the table.
The other important restriction refers to trips and walks: “Sports, motor activities and walks are allowed in public parks, green, rural and peripheral areas where it is accessible”, always respecting interpersonal distance, but walks must be carried out ” outside the squares and historic centers of cities, tourist complexes and areas that are usually crowded, such as beaches. ”Zaia explained:“ You are only going to walk in peripheral areas, not in crowded centers: you do not bathe in the tub, You rub it on the way, you don’t go to the sea, to the beaches, to the lake. This is to avoid crowds. Better stay home.
In Bari, shops close at 7 p.m., Mayor Decaro prepares the order
Close early at 7pm for a Bari. This is the decision taken by Mayor Antonio Decaro, who, after consulting with the trade unions, is preparing an ordinance “starting tomorrow, Friday, November 13.” The measure, explains a note from the City Council, will aim to “favor the continuous schedule of commercial activities by bringing the closing time forward to 19”. In addition to the municipal structures, the director of the ASL prevention department also participates today in the COC session.
The new ordinance signed by Orlando in Palermo
In Palermo, Mayor Leoluca Orlando signed the announcement order which provides for the prohibition of parking of people until December 3, Monday to Friday from 4 to 10 p.m., Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 5 to 10 p.m., in downtown areas. For next Saturday and Sunday, from 5 to 22, also throughout the coast, including beaches, coasts, green areas open to the public and subject to state concession.