Mayor Leoluca Orlando closes schools starting Monday: elementary and middle school, except kindergartens and preschools.
“Taking note – says the mayor – of the failure to send news about the state of the city’s hospitals and the general stability of the health system at the regional level, with possible serious repercussions on the security conditions of citizens, and recognizing the considerable increase in infections throughout the Region, as well as in the city and the metropolitan area of Palermo, I reluctantly decided to order the closure of all compulsory schools in the city as of next Monday ”. The Regional Minister of Education, Roberto Lagalla attacks him: “He assumes a serious responsibility. Unduly generating a greater and unjustified social alarm, depriving students and their families of the fundamental right to study. This is not a time for institutional tears.”
The director of Zen 2: “The hypothesis of closing schools is crazy”
by Claudia Brunetto
The mayor speaks of a decision “made with pain”: “I am already announcing this decision today so that families, school leaders and teachers prepare on time and do not face a last minute measure. I am aware that distance education, although it can be carried out with professionalism and passion, cannot guarantee that human relationship between teachers and students and that social relationship between young people who are an integral part of the learning process ”. Orlando adds: “Precisely because we are facing a health emergency, I have to take responsibility for this measure, which aims to reduce travel in the city and therefore limit the risk that infections continue to increase, bringing more burden to the health system and for doctors who are already at the end. That is precisely why I decided not to close the municipal nurseries, which are based on the territorial system and because the incidence of infections in these structures is 0.15 percent of the student body, less than half that in primary school and about a fifth of the stockings “.
School, the Altolà of the Region to the mayors: “We decided the closures”
by Claudia Brunetto
The mayor speaks of a “temporary measure, because even more from Monday there will be a punctual and precise monitoring of the evolution of infections and, hopefully, of the situation of hospital structures, whose data will be evaluated so that the closure can be limit to a minimum “. indispensable.
I regret – reiterates the mayor – having had to make this decision, but I do not believe that it is now possible to postpone the responsibilities that weigh on our children and grandchildren ”.
Coronavirus, the new positives in Sicily are 1,083 but the swabs made are 1,500 less
Since the beginning of the school year, 264 cases of students infected by the coronavirus have been registered in the nursery, primary and secondary school in Palermo. 0.44 percent of a school population of almost 60 thousand students and a total of 74 schools: an average of 3 students per school. These are the data that comes from the regional office of the school and that Mayor Leoluca Orlando has been crying out these days to understand if the city’s schools are safe or not. The highest number of infected is registered on average with 145 cases, then the primary with 103 and the child with 16.
“The data shows – says Stefano Suraniti, director of the school’s regional office – that
the organizational measures and the security protocols adopted have minimized infections in the school environment compared to what occurs outside the school ”. For many managers, closing schools is “crazy.” This is the opinion of the director of the Falcone dello Zen 2 institute. “We risk losing our students, they are afraid, they find comfort in school, they close schools after everything that has been done to make them safe makes no sense” .
Even the regional health councilor Ruggero Razza disputes Orlando regarding the statement about the lack of data communication by the Region: “The people of Palermo should know that every day their mayor participates in a summit in the prefecture with Asp and commissioner for the emergency, therefore, you are informed daily about the health situation and about the implementation of the hospital plan. If you have more particular requests, please ask them there. The mayor did not understand that it is not time for institutions against institutions. I have given a mandate to the Covid Commissioner to make contact with the Municipality once, so that there are no more misunderstandings. Once he had to belatedly acknowledged that the ASP sends data on infections every day, he does not think it is necessary to feed fears when you just pick up the phone. ”