Reorganization or commissioner, now in Lombardy the League also wants to download Gallera. And the former great player of the Formigoni era appears


It’s okay not to be prepared for the first wave Covid tsunami. But it is unacceptable that this happens again even in the face of the second and foreseeable wave. A concept that in the Lombardy Region is no longer expressed only by opposition councilors. Now many think the same in most of center right that supports the board of Attilio fontana. Especially he is under indictment, Giulio Gallera, the Councilor for Welfare launched in March from the first weeks of the pandemic crisis a future candidate for mayor of Milan, and then began a rapid decline as the regional health system showed its loopholes. From territorial medicine to contact trackingTo the extreme that more than one majority adviser admits has caused the camel to overflow: the continuing mess of flu shots.

So from the Lega group came the request for a summit that addresses “the problem“: Meeting scheduled for the afternoon of Friday, November 13, which was attended by the leaders of the majority group and the regional coordinators of Carroccio, Go Italy me Brothers from Italy. A final decision will not come immediately, but the foundations will be laid to try to turn around an increasingly unsustainable situation even from a media point of view. Several hypotheses in the field: one joint reorganization, with the defenestration of Gallera or his displacement to a second row armchair, or a de facto commissioner the evaluator through the support of a team of technicians dedicated to the Covid emergency or a single “super commissionerAnd in the latter case the name circulated in recent days is that of Carlo Lucchina, former plenipotentiary of health care at the time of Roberto Formigoni, ciellino as current general director of Wellbeing, Marco Trivelli.

“The goal is not to reach a new vote of no confidence in Gallera – confesses a majority director under the guarantee of anonymity -. Because this time more than one of us would vote for it ”. Therefore, it is better to find a solution first. To push are above all the councilors of the League, who for weeks have been facing the discontent that they have accumulated in the territory. “Gallera must be removed, we have to throw him out ”, are the requests that I second paper I lumbard They have been addressing their captain directly for days Matteo salvini, who frequently visits the Region on Fridays. And tomorrow he could lean out to give his opinion at the top of the majority.

In all probability, the protection that the former Lombard coordinator of Forza Italia has granted him will no longer be enough in Gallera, Mariastella gelmini, be the most powerful Giulia Martinelli, current head of the governor’s secretariat Attilio fontana and former partner of Salvini. And if the Northern League no longer wants Gallera, now or in the rest of the majority groups there is a scope to defend him. Forza Italia included, beyond the official statements of the regional coordinator Massimiliano Salini which denies any hypothesis of reorganization: “With the current health and economic emergency that must be fought, while Lombard families and companies are hit by the crisis, it would be crazy to speak of armchairs.”

But say remodeling – confirm several sources – tomorrow we will talk. How we will talk about the consequences of each hypothesis. Lifting Gallera from the councilor’s chair would mean finding someone willing to sit in it at a very delicate moment, more likely a technician than a politician. While a extended reorganization It could cause headaches in Forza Italia, which carries less electoral weight than in the past. A technical team or super commissioner working alongside Gallera should find a way to live with Trivelli, who was called in in June to replace the former Lecco Mobile Squad manager. Luigi Cajazzo, after the mediocre management of the first wave.

Of course, if Gallera resigned alone… ”This is the other hypothesis that someone lets slip through the corridors of the Pirellone. I hope the rest two weeks ago Viviana Beccalossi, former Brothers of Italy but majority councilor, had bluntly written in the message sent in a wrong chat to tell about the 89-year-old mother-in-law still without the flu vaccine: “I’m thinking of giving Gallera his cell phone and, knowing her well , she would call every day until he pleased her. Maybe the time is right for her to quit! “

