Coronavirus, almost 38 thousand cases. 636 dead


There are 37,978 new coronavirus infections in Italy in the last 24 hours, according to data from the Ministry of Health. There are 636 victims, there are 29,873 patients who are not in intensive care (+429 compared to yesterday). Lombardy (9,291), Piedmont (4,787), Campania (4,065), Veneto (3,564) and Lazio (2,686) are the five regions that have registered the highest number of cases in the last 24 hours.

3170 hospitalized in intensive care, + 89 from yesterday. Positive rate of 16.1%, higher than yesterday.

Data from regions

Six new deaths and 2338 positives, 7 more than yesterday of which 159 hospitalized, 16 in intensive care and 2,163 in home isolation. These are the data of the Covid epidemic in Aosta Valley released by the health update bulletin published by the Region. The total of positive cases are 2338, 2186 cured, the swabs carried out to date 48023.

Today in Liguria were detected 1,013 new cases of Covid-19. The total number of cases since the beginning of the emergency is 40,255, of which 4,841 (+229) identified by screening and 35,414 (+784) in symptomatic patients. In the last 24 hours, 31 victims have been registered, bringing the total number of deaths to 2,040. There are 13,189 healed in total, 1,064 more than yesterday. There are 5,807 swabs currently processed, for a total of 509,052. This can be seen in the regional newsletter.

am 9,291 new cases of Covid-19 in Lombardy, compared to 42,933, 21.6% of which were positive. The percentage is higher than yesterday’s 15.5, when the new positives were 8,180 out of 52,172. Deaths are also growing: in the last 24 hours they were 187 (yesterday 152, the day before yesterday 129), for a total of 18,910 deaths since the start of the pandemic. This was announced by the daily bulletin on the progress of the pandemic published by the Lombardy Region, which announced that of the 9,291 new cases, 473 are “weakly positive” and ninety were discovered through serological tests. There are 782 hospitalized in intensive care, 18 more than yesterday, when the increase was 56 patients. In the ordinary wards there are 7,047 people, 187 more than yesterday, when the increase was 225. Today 8,229 are healed / discharged, for a total of 6,890 discharged and 125,364 recovered from the start of the pandemic.

They fall below 2000 units per day in Tuscany (to be precise 1,932) the new cases of Coronavirus registered in the 24 hours to which, however, another 37 deaths are added for a total of 1,738 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic in the region. The swabs made reached 1,275,580, 15,786 more than yesterday. The positives in Tuscany thus reached a total of 71,852, while the positives are currently 48,916 today (+ 2.1% over yesterday): among them there are 1,909 hospitalized (35 more than yesterday, + 1.9%), of which 256 in intensive care (+10 patients, + 4.1%) while 47,007 people were in home isolation with mild or no symptoms. There are another 41,883 people in isolation (+ 2.1%) under active surveillance for ASL because, although negative for Covid, they have had contact with infected people. There are a total of 21,198 people cured (+879 yesterday, + 4.3%) of which 1,372 cured clinically (+64 yesterday equals + 4.9%) and 19,826 (+815 yesterday, plus 4.3%) declared cured in all aspects, the so-called viral cures, with double negative buffer.

Today in Friuli Venezia Giulia were detected 838 new infections (7,529 swabs were made) and 9 deaths from Covid-19. This was announced by the Deputy Governor responsible for Health, Riccardo Riccardi. The number of people who have tested positive for the virus in the region since the start of the pandemic amounted to 16,940, of which: 4,882 in Trieste, 6,730 in Udine, 3,233 in Pordenone and 1,885 in Gorizia, in addition to 210 people from outside the region. The current cases of infection are 8,772. The number of patients treated in intensive care has risen to 47, while 346 are hospitalized in other departments. The deaths totaled 498, with the following territorial subdivision: 241 in Trieste, 131 in Udine, 113 in Pordenone and 13 in Gorizia. The totally cured number 7,670, the clinically cured 125 and the isolated people 8,254.

There are 90,901 positives in Veneto since the beginning of the coronavirus emergency, 3,564 more than yesterday. The number of hospitalized is 1,876, +103 compared to yesterday, as well as intensive care (5 beds more than yesterday for a total of 221). Thirty-eight deaths recorded in Veneto since yesterday for a total of 2,727 from February 21 to today.

am 4,065 new cases of coronavirus in Campania for a total of 99,986 and 31 deaths (927 since the beginning of the pandemic. Of the 4,065 infected, 3,779 are asymptomatic and 286 present symptoms. The swabs analyzed in the last 24 hours have been 23,840, that is, 1,196,072 since last February It arises from the Covid-19 newsletter of the Region, which shows that 192 intensive care beds are occupied out of the 656 available and 1,944 hospitalized in the ordinary regime of the 3,160 available places, the cured are 645 in one day, 19,000 in total.

The President of the Region Apulia, Michele Emiliano announced that today in Puglia, 8,936 tests have been carried out for the Covid-19 coronavirus infection and registered 1,434 positive cases: 679 in the province of Bari, 54 in the province of Brindisi, 150 in the province of Bat, 232 in the province of Foggia, 121 in the province of Lecce, 183 in the province of Taranto, 15 residents outside the region. 39 deaths were recorded: 10 in the province of Bari, 8 in the province of Bat, 4 in the province of Brindisi, 12 in the province of Foggia, 1 in the province of Lecce, 4 in the province of Taranto.

am 228 swabs tested positive for Covid in Basilicata in the 1,615 swabs made yesterday. This was announced by the working group of the Region. On the same day, 7 people and three deaths were healed. With this update, there are 3,187 currently positive Lucanians, of which 3,034 are in home isolation. 153 people are currently hospitalized in Lucanian hospitals: in San Carlo di Potenza 36 patients are hospitalized in the infectious diseases ward, 8 in intensive care, 19 in pulmonology and 13 in emergency medicine; at Madonna delle Grazie in Matera 55 people are in the infectious diseases ward, 11 in intensive care and 11 in pulmonology. To date, there have been 72 deaths, 758 recovered, and 120,747 swabs tested, of which 115,787 were negative.

There are 40 new deaths from coronavirus in Sicily, e 1,692 the cases registered from yesterday to today, for a total of 24,914 current positives. The Civil Protection reports. Those recovered / discharged were 302. The swabs were 9,455. A total of 205 people are hospitalized in intensive care.
