Covid, in Italy divided into orange, red and yellow zones, deaths from coronavirus increased by 70% in a week, reaching almost 3,000 in 7 days. In particular, 2,918 people with Sars-Cov-2 infection died from November 4 to 10, compared with 1,712 the previous week. This is what emerges from the new independent follow-up of the Gimbe Foundation.
The non-profit Gimbe Foundation aims to promote the dissemination and application of the best scientific evidence with independent research, training and scientific information, in order to improve people’s health and contribute to sustainability. of a public, equitable and universal health service.
Covid, the situation in Italy
“After the decline in the summer months, infections among healthcare workers have started to increase again and those infected in the last month have been almost 18,000. Figures that increase concern about hospital epidemics, which are already beginning to be reported ”. Thus, the president of the Gimbe Foundation, Nino Cartabellotta, listened in the Chamber’s Committee on Social Affairs, to follow up on the hearing that began last week. Specifically, he explains to Ansa, analyzing the data from the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, “on November 8 we had 49,867 infected health workers, on October 9 32,655, or 17,212 in a month. More than 12 times of those reported in the previous month (1,426) ‘.
“What has been happening in recent weeks, due to the large number of cases, is the delay in notifying the new Covid-19 diagnoses. If the mean time between the onset of symptoms and diagnosis or smear is usually about 3 days. In the week from October 26 to November 1, 23% of the cases were reported in 2 days, 56% of the cases between 3 and 5 days and 21% of the cases after 6 or more days. This was stated by the president of the Gimbe Foundation, Nino Cartabellotta, heard in the Chamber’s Committee on Social Affairs to follow up on the hearing that began last week.
“We are seeing the epidemic in the rear view mirror and not with binoculars, as we should be,” says Cartabellotta. “The system – he said – is lagging due to the excessively long chain, with respect to the growth rate of the curve, of data transmission. Too many institutional and technical steps: they lead us to pursue the virus that is in a phase of exponential growth. Less bureaucracy is needed and the choice of indicators to be made easier, because, although they give an accurate picture, today they slow down the response capacity. Since early September, with the growth of data – added Cartabellotta who urged the ministry to adopt an “open data” approach – we have called for interventions at the local and specific level as much as possible to avoid dissemination. In summary, Gimbe asks: to make available the number of infections by Region, details by Provinces and Municipalities on isolations at home, hospitalized with symptoms, intensive care, cured deaths, swabs and proven cases and on the flows related to evolution clinical of the subjects. positive.
Last updated: 13:22