“The contagion between home and school”


PADOVA Seventeen are the children hospitalized in this month of November for Covid in the pediatrics Dell ‘padua hospital. In practice, 10% of the 170 adults are now hospitalized for complications caused by the virus. A high number, therefore, if we take into account that in the first wave of the pandemic, infections among the smallest were very rare. And precisely to meet the needs dictated by this new case study, the Northeast hub in Padua has been activated, reserved for the most serious positives who are between zero and fifteen years old, and who also come from outside the region.

Covid, infected children

Currently in the health facility dedicated to the Coronavirus there are 13 hospitalized (yesterday a teenager was transferred to Infectious Diseases), most of whom are under five years old and six even under 12 months, while 3, admitted in the last hours , not yet 60 days. The pediatric center dedicated to Covid has rooms with one or two beds, and young patients can stay with parents, whose presence is essential to promote healing. Children with similar clinical conditions are placed in the double rooms and therefore do not create higher risk situations.
Liviana Da Dalt, Senior Lecturer in Pediatrics and Director of the Department of Women’s and Children’s Health and the Pediatric Emergency Service of the Padua-based company, explains: «We had 17, now there are 13 because we had three resignations and one transfer . Padua concentrates more significant numbers because it is the benchmark, and it is independent of the Covid emergency, for the treatment of complex or chronic diseases that affect the little ones. In fact, a good number of patients currently hospitalized in the Coronavirus department tested positive during a check-up carried out as part of the follow-up of the disease for which we are following them. Of course, there are also healthy subjects who access the Pediatric Emergency Department from home, but they are fewer in number. You cannot generalize, because the situations are different.


Why does covid affect babies?

On the causes that led to this change compared to the first wave of Covid 19, the professor explains: “It is very likely that young children, and certainly newborns, have been infected in the family by adults. In the case of children, on the other hand, the situation is reversed and lifestyles are causing a generalized rebound in pediatric cases, not so much in schools where surveillance is ensured in the classrooms, but before and after, during aggregation or travel, where it is easier for people to forget to respect the distances and the requirements And this is one of the reasons why the infected are more than during the period of confinement, now they represent 7% of the total of cases, while that in the first wave they were around 2% ».

Alberto was no longer breathing: Intubated at 38 years old. “Now I fight for life”

TREVISO “The day before yesterday I turned 38 years old. And unfortunately I am here. I do not know what is happening outside at the moment. For 15 days I have abandoned phones and computers. Now I am exclusively trying to save my life.” Alberto Cattarin speaks, one of the young people most affected by the coronavirus infection during this second wave.

Viruses, evolution in pediatrics

However, there is also a positive data, which is relative to the evolution of the disease in pediatric age. “Even if the history of the case is still limited to date – observes Liviana Da Dalt – for the moment we have seen that the consequences in children due to the Covid infection are rare. Those hospitalized are subjected to symptomatic therapies, also because there are no proven effective treatments, since the cases involving this age group are reduced to a minimum. However, it should also be emphasized that none of the children or boys who tested positive for hyssop have particularly severe, and not even obvious, manifestations related to coronavirus infection.

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During hospitalization, therefore, they are constantly monitored and the reasons why we decide to keep them in the pediatric center are basically two: either the very young age, I mean a few weeks of life, or the presence of a chronic disease, which it pushes us to be more cautious. All the others are sent home, with the indications and recommendations that each individual situation requires. Therefore, hospitalization is not always necessary and for this reason we try to reserve places for patients who have a previous situation that requires more attention, or precisely the neonatal range, which must also be carefully reviewed ”.

“Third wave of risk at Christmas”, Ippolito (Spallanzani): the most critical period will be February-March

“First of all we still have to understand if the second wave is cooling down. But in January we will still have to pay attention to the third. It also happened with the Spanish, there were three waves. And we must avoid making the same mistakes on Christmas and New Year’s Eve. summer.

Last update: 10:14

