About a week ago, the editorial staff were inundated with reports about a spectacular Bugatti in and around L’Aquila. With the little information collected, an article was also made but the parent company itself had requested its elimination due to advertising agreements.
Now the official has come from Davide Cironi: in fact, only he could be driving the prized and highly sought-after racing car, the Bugatti Chiron – “Pur Sport” version limited series of only 60 pieces worldwide, a jewel that costs “only” 3 million and 500 thousand euros + VAT and reaches peaks of 490 km / h.

Davide cironi, 33 years old, test pilot from L’Aquila was the first in Italy to create an official service for Bugatti with this car. Undoubtedly the only one who has received it in his hometown directly from Molsheim, Bugatti’s headquarters in France.

Many will remember the model of Bugatti EB110, also made by Lego, a highly coveted toy for children born in the 80’s. Davide, having dreamed of it so much, also managed to get on.

How did the Bugatti get to L’Aquila?
“I have tested the car not just a Imperatore Field but we also carried out tests on the runways of the Parques airport, which gave us adequate space for our high-speed tests, ”Cironi told the capital city.
“It was an important experience for me to be the first to start the new direction of the Airport, now that it is finally under the leadership of a local company, Sunrise Aviation, with such a prestigious opportunity. I hope this can help to rediscover a reality that has been forgotten for too long and has great potential, which I hope to increase in the future also through some collaboration with us at Drive Experience. “
“Gives Molsheim, their headquarters in France, they sent the car just for me because I wanted to test it on ‘my roads’, then Imperatore Field, Campotosto, where I work mainly. I had the Chiron here for 3 days and also used it in traffic to travel ”.
“With me was the test pilot who developed the Chiron and ran it Veyron ed EB110. A living legend Loris Bicocchi, partner of one of my companies (the test school we have together, the Drive Experience Academy) “.

“Along with him I also had another of my most ‘absurd’ Bugatti experiences, Drive the only two racing EB110s ever produced“.
This experience dates back to last year and also on this occasion Davide was the first Italian to present the new “Centodieci” concept car, bought for 8 million euros from Cristiano Ronaldo.
Who is Davide Cironi?

Davide is an “anti youtuber” who has made his passion for motors a highly coveted profession with a channel. Youtube which has about 350 thousand members. From an intuition the birth of a reality, “in the name of purity of content”.
It is currently considered one of the most influential Italian YouTube channels in the motor sector, a reference point for four-wheel enthusiasts around the world, who are always eager for a new service.
The spark of luck came in 2013, “When I founded Drive Experience.it – he explains – In Italy no newspaper or television program talked about cars as I would have liked to hear as a true enthusiast, so I decided to do it myself, starting from absolute zero. I chose the longest and most difficult route, with a steep and more satisfying climb, but one that is giving me infinite satisfaction ”.
And how exciting could it have been to drive the Bugatti, “the car of dreams?”
It is wonderful to have come with only my head and my sacrifices to push brands like Lamborghini, Bugatti and many others that allow me to work with the best sports cars on the planet and in front of the house ”.
Davide Cironi, Aquila’s test driver “From the chicken coop to the track” on his beloved 4 wheels
This is the link to Davide Cironi’s website
Bugatti: a bit of history
Bugatti is a French automaker, best known for its highly exclusive sports cars. Founded in 1909 by Ettore Bugatti, initially ceased its productive activity in 1963 after the death of the founder, the lack of which contributed greatly to the loss of the “polish”.
In the 1980s, precisely in 1987, another historic course began for the house. The trademark rights were acquired by Romano Artioli who resumed its production and established the Bugatti Automobili company which definitively ceased all its activities in 1995.
Since 1998 the car manufacturer has become a brand under the aegis of the German group Volkswagen chas created a dedicated company, Bugatti Automobiles.
On the track with the Bugatti EB110 race (Le Mans and IMSA) – Davide Cironi Drive Experience (SUBS)