In Italy, at least since the start of the coronavirus epidemic 1,028,424 people (+32,961 compared to yesterday, + 3.3%; yesterday +35,098) contracted the Sars-CoV-2 virus. Of these, 42,953 died (+623, + 1.5%; yesterday +580) and 372,113 Has been Discharged (+9,090, + 2.5%; yesterday +17,734). Nowadays the positive subjects of which there is certainty are 613,358 (+23,248, + 3.9%; yesterday +16,776) and are visible in the fifth column from the right of the table above.
Exceeded the threshold of one million total cases (current positives, cured and deaths since the start of the epidemic): 1,028,424 Italy among the 5 countries with new positive records last week, explained the WHO in the weekly report: this is a dramatic record shared with the United States, France , India and the United Kingdom. And to number of deaths our country the sixth in the worldahead of France and behind Great Britain, as indicated by the infection map produced by Johns Hopkins University.
I tampons They were 225,640, which is 7,882 more than yesterday when it was 21,758. While the positivity rate around at 15% (precisely 14.6%): means that 15 out of 100 swabs performed were positive; yesterday it was around 16% (precisely 16.1%). This percentage gives an idea of the trend of infections, regardless of the number of tests performed. This is the map of contagion in Italy. Fewer infections in 24 hours, with more swabs and a lower proportion of swabs, indicate that the curve continues to deviate.
The increase in hospitalizations is worrying. A new record is the total number of hospitalized with symptoms: today 29,444 in total (+881, + 2.8%; yesterday +997). There have never been so many people hospitalized in the ordinary Covid ward, not even during the first wave: in the spring, April 4 saw the only peak of 29,010 hospitalized. While the most seriously ill in intensive care they are 3,081 (+110, + 3.7%; yesterday +122). These data are visible in the table above, in the second and third columns from the left. Internal doctors are sounding the alarm again: health structures are now on the brink of collapse.
Here all the newsletters of February 29. Here the latest news of the day.
The cases Region by Region
The data provided below, and broken down by Region, are those of the total number of cases (number of positive people since the beginning of the epidemic: includes deaths and recovered). The variation indicates the number of new cases registered in the last 24 hours, while the percentage represents the increase compared to the previous day, calculated on the regional total.
Lombardy 284,666 (+8,180, + 3.7%; yesterday +10,955)
Emilia-Romagna 78,283 (+2,428, + 3.2%; yesterday +2,430)
Piedmont 107,267 (+2,953, + 2.8%; yesterday +3,659)
Veneto 87,337 (+3,082, + 3.7%; yesterday +2,763)
March 20,256 (+701, + 3.6%; yesterday +504)
Liguria 39,242 (+1,102, + 2.9%; yesterday +1,172)
Campania 95,921 (+3,166, + 3.4%; yesterday +2,716)
Tuscany 69,920 (+2,507, + 3.7%; yesterday +2,223)
Sicily 34,982 (+1,487, + 4.4%; yesterday +1,201)
Lazio 73,054 (+2,479, + 3.5%; yesterday +2,608)
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 16,102 (+572, + 3.7%; yesterday +482)
Abruzzo 16,550 (+662, + 4.2%; yesterday +746)
Puglia 29,008 (+1,332, + 4.8%; yesterday +1,245)
Umbria 16,253 (+515, + 3.3%; yesterday +485)
Bolzano 14,470 (+386, + 2.7%; yesterday +375)
Calabria 8,693 (+376, + 4.5%; yesterday +409)
Sardinia 13,493 (+416, + 3.2%; yesterday +498)
Valle d’Aosta 4,588 (+125, + 2.8%; yesterday +127)
Trento 11,639 (+253, + 2.2%; yesterday +243)
Molise 2,653 (+71, + 2.7%; yesterday +42)
Basilicata 4,047 (+168, + 4.3%; yesterday +224)
Deaths Region by Region
The figure provided below, and divided by Region, is the total number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. The variation indicates the number of new deaths registered in the last 24 hours.
Lombardy 18,723 (+152; yesterday +129)
Emilia-Romagna 4,876 (+31; yesterday +21)
Piedmont 4,826 (+84; yesterday +64)
Veneto 2,689 (+46; yesterday +48)
March 1,077 (+10; yesterday +10)
Liguria 2.009 (+33; yesterday +39)
Campania 896 (+34; yesterday +18)
Tuscany 1,701 (+53; yesterday +54)
Sicily 762 (+27; yesterday +32)
Lazio 1,503 (+38; yesterday +36)
Friuli-Venezia Giulia 489 (+13; yesterday +20)
Abruzzo 644 (+16; yesterday +26)
Puglia 896 (+27; yesterday +25)
Umbria 218 (+12; yesterday +9)
Bolzano 359 (+9; yesterday +5)
Calabria 156 (+5; yesterday +7)
Sardinia 293 (+14; yesterday +11)
Valle d’Aosta 225 (+7; yesterday +11)
Trento 485 (+8; yesterday +6)
Molise 57 (+1; yesterday +7)
Basilicata 69 (+3; yesterday +2)
Article updating …
November 11, 2020 (change November 11, 2020 | 17:23)