Alberto Genovese, the businessman arrested on Saturday 7 November in Milan in custody in custody. Accusations of sexual violence by an 18-year-old girl, his alleged victim, weigh on him. During the investigation, the details of the parties that Genovese used to hold on the terrace of his house emerge where, at the entrance, it was mandatory to leave cell phones to avoid filming what happened inside. In order to break confidentiality, there is the internal video surveillance circuit of the club and the apartment, now in the hands of investigators to verify any other type of violence that has occurred at the employer’s home.
Who Alberto Genovese
Born in Naples but adopted in Milan, Genovese, 43, had been a role model for the startup world. Entrepreneur of the fintech sector and one of the founders of Facile.it, one of the best-known comparators of insurance, mortgages, loans, checking accounts, ADSL and much more, had sold the company in 2014 for 100 million. The online policy and mortgage comparator has published a clarifying note on Genovese’s current role in the company. With reference to the news that appeared in some media, we believe it is correct to point out that Alberto Genovese, former managing director, left Facile.it in 2014 and today he does not have any operational role in our company. Since January 2014 CEO of the company, Mauro Giacobbe. Under his leadership, since then, the company has more than tripled in size, reaching revenues of 106 million euros in 2019 and today employing, including employees and collaborators, more than 3,000 people who work very seriously every day to offer Italian consumers the most effective tool to compare rates related to family expenses. Once again regarding the inaccurate information published by some newspapers we remind you that the property of Facile.it today holds theThe EQT Investment Market and the Oakley Capital Fund.
From Facile.it to Prima Assicurazioni
After the adventure with Facile.it, Genovese founded First insurance, a digital agency specializing in civil liability insurance for cars, motorcycles and vans that in 2018 received an investment of 100 million euros from Goldman Sachs and Blackstone. In 2019 it takes off and manages to collect more than 130 million prizes thanks to the agreements signed with Conad and Telepass and in July 2020 the agency registered more than 800,000 clients.
Bocconi qualification and startups
Degree in Economics and Commerce at Bocconi University
from Milan he started working at consulting firm McKinsey, then moved to Bain and eBay in 2015, where he stayed for 3 years. He has launched several startups and his success has made him known in the digital field. In 2015 he created Brumbrum.it for the sale of cars financed by the Accel fund, which also invested in Deliveroo and Spotify. The latest success is Zappyrent, the startup that aims to simplify the rental market in the medium and long term. After closing an investment round of 2.5 million euros in which big names of fintech companies, including Genovese, also participated in 2020, the entrepreneur assumes the presidency.
Before the arrest, Genovese held various roles: he was a member (but without an operational role) of the board of Facile.it, president of Prima Assicurazione, Brumbrum spa, Abiby, Mirta and Zappyrent. She is also a member of a modeling agency, Hostess.it, with a stake of 11.56% (there are 12 other shareholders). The company closed 2019 with a turnover of 1.8 million euros and a profit of 1,115 euros.
La Terrazza Sentimento and the ex-girlfriend
Then comes the investigation triggered by the prosecution
eighteen years old and details emerge of what happened in the Terrace of feeling of the entrepreneur where the guests used to be 30 or 40. Rumor had it that Genovese put “things in the glasses” of the girls, to stun them immediately. And again: It is said that he and his ex-girlfriend used to drug the girls at their private parties and then rape them are the phrases that came out of the stories to the police. Several testimonies collected by girls who participated in the parties that testify to consensual drug use first and forced abuse until total unconsciousness later.
The Milan investigating judge, Tommaso Perna, in the disposition with which he validated the arrest and ordered the prison, writes about Genovese who manifests a very high antisocial drive and an absolute contempt for the value of human life, especially that of women .
At home they found a safe with 40,000 euros, cocaine and ketamine, a diamond. And handcuffs.