CREMONA (November 11, 2020) – Recovered from Covid after 21 days and, through a letter sent to the newspaper, Lucia Orto launches an appeal: ‘I will be more careful and responsible. I would like to ask everyone for more caution and attention, because our life is precious. Let’s make sure, all together, to safeguard it ‘
Dear manager,
Do you know how it feels after taking a shower and putting on the after sun after a day at the beach? After the sand stuck between the ankle and the heel finally comes off? (I make this strange comparison because I personally hate sand in all its forms.) Here today I feel like this. As if this bothersome sand, after 21 days spent on my body, it has finally come off. Today I am finally back to normal, I will start to put that pencil line around my eyes that accompanies my work days, I will try to put on my favorite jeans again (all of us in quarantine eat more …), I will recover my hectic, exasperating days, infinite, crazy and unique, I will wear the mask BETTER and ALWAYS, but above all – here is the most wonderful thing – today I will see my daughter, my dog. Well yes, because Covid hit me almost a month ago and in addition to my health, it took many little moments from my life. From today I will be more prudent and less daring, more attentive and less unconscious, more present and less committed. We should all be like this and not simply because we “went through” (honestly, what I have been through in these 21 days I do not wish anyone), but because we love each other and we love others. The past have been weeks of thermometer, blanket, medicines, tampons, reports, tears, smiles and thoughts. Days in which distant friends gave me a precious moment and others closer seemed non-existent, days in which the only company were the minnows in the aquarium, others in which video calls filled my day for three quarters. They were hard days … Without the closeness of my boyfriend and my daughter, even impossible. From today my little Vittoria will return to her mother who left her crying on the last day hoping to see her as soon as possible. The greatest evil was the heartache, the suffering of not having her with me in these endless weeks. I would like to ask everyone for more caution and attention, because our life is precious. Let’s make sure, all together, to safeguard it.
Dear Lucia, I gladly publish your testimony – true, honest, obviously written without filters and with my heart in my hand – so that it is a warning and an example for all our readers. Frankly, I wonder what else needs to happen before the deniers admit that yes, Covid really does exist, it is very dangerous and it can affect anyone, at any moment it can enter our homes, our habits, our lives. The key word is “ours”, because the Coronavirus emergency affects everyone: all cities, all countries, all homes, all workplaces. Each one of us. Unfortunately, some have deluded themselves into thinking that they may be safe, if not immune. It seems incredible, but it also happened here, where last spring Covid hit with greater force, so much as to give us the sad record of the province of Italy with the highest number of positives and pains in relation to the resident population. They’re not here. No one was immune last spring. And nobody is now. The virus is back among us, as evidenced by the data we have published every day in the newspaper for nine months. Of course, the closure (before) and the red zone (now) have imposed on us and impose limitations, restrictions, waivers. And they run the risk of putting many companies and so many families in serious difficulties. But life is still the main good to safeguard. Always. There is no pizza with friends, soccer game or night at the disco that they celebrate: health comes first, life. Even the quintessential “record holder” Donald Trump who became president of the United States under the slogan “America First” (America First) ended up paying dearly for the crazy decision to deny the danger of the coronavirus. His cries against China, his bravado on television – when he removed his mask in favor of the camera – and his utter inability to organize adequate health care for the emergency have cost him the White House. The elections were not won by Joe Biden: he lost them, The Donald. And who knows if his defeat will not serve as a lesson to any intrepid Italian leader of No Mask. A passage that most caught my attention in your letter, dear Lucia: the one in which you promise that from today on you will be “more prudent and less daring, more attentive and less unconscious.” Because basically the secret is all here. As an old saying went, the danger “if you know it, you avoid it.” Perhaps, to avoid getting sick, it is not enough to wear a mask, wash our hands repeatedly and maintain the appropriate social distance with friends, colleagues and family, perhaps a small fissure is enough for the virus to overcome our defenses and enter our body, but not even trying to defend yourself would be absurd. Yelling “freedom, freedom” and then ending up in intensive care doesn’t seem like much satisfaction to me. From Campania to Alto Adige, those who did it bitterly regretted it. To avoid the same fate, perhaps, just think about it first.