“I tell you clearly: we are working precisely to avoid the closure of the entire national territory. We constantly monitor the evolution of the infection, the reactivity and the response capacity of our health system, and above all we hope to see the effects of the restrictive measures already adopted shortly. It is an evolving situation that we evaluate with the utmost attention ”.
So says the Prime Minister, interviewed by La Stampa Giuseppe Conte. To the question: I understand that the blockade would have a very high economic cost, especially on Christmas Eve: 110 billion of consumption and 25 billion of GDP could vanish. Feel like telling Italians that the holidays will be safe? Conte responds: “The health of citizens is a fundamental asset that must be protected. Among other things, the experience of the first wave in many countries teaches us that only by effectively fighting the virus can the economy be truly protected. “
“Our attention to the economic and productive fabric has always been – he claims – strong and the model we adopted with the latest Dpcm demonstrates this, because we take into account regional differences in the spread of the infection, avoiding damaging areas where excessive restrictions are not necessary. Our goal is a Christmas where neither consumption nor affection is mortified, but we cannot imagine crowded parties and lunches ”.
“We had to implement the blockade in the first phase, when – observes the premier –we did not have an operational plan and a monitoring system. But now we must face this second wave with measures that are graduated and territorially circumscribed ”.
“Our measurements – Points – they are always inspired, I repeat, by the principles of maximum precaution, proportionality and adequacy, which never led us to underestimate the severity and unpredictability of the infection. But our strategy is different, because now we have tools that allow us to make territorial differentiations. Imposing a total confinement a month ago would have been an unreasonable decision due to the tools we have at our disposal, incomprehensible for the population, disastrous for everyone ”.
With regard to the intolerance of a segment of the population to the restrictions, it states instead: “Let’s face it: citizens deserve praise for the self-denial and sense of responsibility shown so far,
with rare exceptions that are naturally news. It is understandable that today there is more discomfort and suffering. We know the sacrifices that citizens face, from an economic and strictly personal point of view. However, we must ask them for an additional effort: the situation, across Europe, is critical. Everyone has to do their thing. We leave it only with a collective commitment: the state
we are all us “.