Giuseppe Conte It takes time, “the national closure must be avoided” and it is precisely with this objective that Chigi Palace me the Ministry of Health they built the mechanism that divided Italy into three bands. But the numbers of the epidemic force the government to question. How to prevent social gatherings that allow the virus to continue working? The premier does not want to change his strategy again, also not to feed the suspicion that the executive caravel sails without a route, in pursuit of Covid-19. “We cannot dismantle the scientific criteria that we built with the latest Dpcm,” Conte repeats. Obviously, the premier hopes that the (very weak) signs of braking will strengthen, but he does not rule out that the number of infected and dead and the stress of the hospital network will force him to discuss everything again. “From now until Sunday we will understand if the curve goes one way or anotherIt is the crossroads indicated by scientists.
Here, then, is that a new path is being made in the government to keep the curve under control without denying the last Dpcm. The weekend arrives with Italy “closed” for Covid, with a plan marked by the orders of the Minister of Health, governors and mayors to block mobility as much as possible. A “light” lock which would allow companies, factories and professions to advance, but would close bars and restaurants in almost the entire national territory, limiting business as much as possible.
In addition to the study closing of some types of shops who had obtained an exemption in the red zones, also stop at the shops on the weekend, as has already happened with shopping centers: only groceries, pharmacies, drugstores, kiosks and tobacconists would remain open. The crucial date is still November 15. By Sunday, the government expects that at least three-quarters of the regions will be in the orange or red band, either as a result of the rules contained in the Dpcm, or thanks to the measures taken by the governors. The novelty is the very strong pressure that the executive, with the ministers Roberto Speranza and Francesco Boccia, is exerting on the presidents of the regions and on the mayors, so that they unleash more severe measures: from the total blockade in the municipalities where outbreaks have been created, to the closing of streets and squares where too many citizens go to walk and shop . “Everything must be insured by November – Boccia warned in one of the many calls -. Any necessary intervention must be carried out on a territorial scale. ‘
To avoid meetings mayors can act on the basis of the Dpcm, which entrusts them with the power to close off entire areas of cities and towns. The text establishes that “access to shops and homes” must be guaranteed, but the hypothesis explored in these hours is to give way to private homes. Also at school there is battle, because some ministers and governors would like suspend lessons in person also in the first cycle, while the minister Lucia azzolina it remains “categorically against”.
Although disputed, the follow-up model led in just five days to the closure of the “red” Lombardy, Valle d’Aosta, Piedmont, Calabria and Alto Adige and the transition to the orange of Sicily, Basilicata, Puglia, Abruzzo, Umbria, Tuscany, Liguria. That is exactly what Speranza expected, convinced as she is that to defeat the virus “you have to limit meetings to the maximum.”
The government’s acceleration is based on scientific assumptions, but could soon have political consequences. Conte was convinced of the need to modify Title V of the Constitution and insert the “supremacy clause” of the State over the Regions. A reform that would avoid controversies (such as those that marked the emergency) and reduce tensions, which also marked yesterday.
November 11, 2020 (change November 11, 2020 | 07:01)