Dies at work at age 47: “Andrea was exquisite.” Here is his life between family, work and gabionate


LIVORNO. “Exquisite”. It is the first adjective that friends and family use to count Andrea Lanari, the 47-year-old electrician who disappeared two days after a seemingly trivial workplace accident. They all repeat it, one after another, after cursing the fate that took him, as if there was no better way to describe him: “an exquisite person.”

Those who grew up with him doing slalom, ball and chain, between the umbrellas of the Bagni Lido and playing German style for whole days, inside the gabion, under the August sun, say this; colleagues from Siel, the implant company I had worked for for 25 years, who for two days traveled between Livorno and the Pisa hospital crossing their fingers, hoping that it was all just a bad dream; to the guys he has coached over the years, teaching soccer on the field, but above all education and good manners off the field.

Points out Riccardo ganni, owner of Bagni Lido: «He frequented our establishment since he was born, I watched him grow up, become an adult, a father, always being that polite and calm child of all times. When we found out about the accident on Saturday, we thought of something small, but the conditions have worsened, damned worse. Andrea joined the Lido in the 1970s, along with her parents, Mauro and Daniela, and her sister Elisa. “It was beautiful like the sun,” she recalls through tears.

Today he attended him with his wife Elena and their daughter, little Carolina. From the past he had kept his passion for the gabionate: games, then dinners, the WhatsApp chat where you can organize, make fun of yourself, remember. «It was a paste – he says Nicola ganni – just to give an example, if you happened to stomp him, he was the one who apologized. He was an extraordinary person. That is why we are all upset.

Federico Borgonzola He is Andrea’s cousin, who is also a soccer fan. «Andrea was a human being, a person like that, I never met her in my life. And it will probably be impossible to find another. Unfortunately, he concludes, words fail me now. The center of Andrea’s world was her family, a kind of circle of affections where she could find a safe haven, a network made up of many women, starting with her five aunts, her mother Daniela’s sisters, but also cousins ​​and cousins, a kind of army of the heart. And then the closest nucleus: his family.

The one he had built with Elena, including a virtual bond, since the two of them had chosen to open a Facebook profile together. And then the culmination of his dream with the birth of Carolina eight years ago. He is hugging her, inside a children’s game, perhaps a slide, that friends want to remind him: with his hands wrapped around his son and sunglasses. The very young were his passion: for years, in fact, he coached various youth soccer teams. One of them, in the early 2000s, was Antignano. The then sports director called him to the fields of Banditella Giuliano Giuliani.

“My God, tell me it’s not true – he says when he discovers the news of the tragedy -. I met him through sports. I called him to Antignano, in the early 2000s, to have the students in hand, where the son of the then president also played. I made him a proposal and he agreed to do me a favor. He stayed with us for a few years, then I would see him often and when we met he would always greet me enthusiastically. I seem to hear his voice: “Sir,” he shouted, waving his hand. An exquisite person, available. Even in that parenthesis it was like that. An extraordinary, meek, hard-working guy. With footballers he was an older brother, always proto giving advice, he knew how to do his job. Someone like that didn’t deserve what happened to him, but fate is often unfair.
