
While the territories rely on distance learning, the Unsic union is trying to update the count of infected people who have attended school classrooms. Certainly, the estimate is not marginal: at least 105 thousand cases in total, of which around 80 percent refer to students.
“Unfortunately, data on infections in schools are scarce and not always reliable, because they are difficult to detect” They explain from the UNIC Communication Office, which has been monitoring this delicate sector since September.
“In the first weeks, the two independent researchers have deservedly tested it Vittorio Nicoletta me Lorenzo ruffino, highlighting the increasing criticality of the situation. For its part, the Ministry of Education, which started late, collected the data provided by the schools, but the off-track figures halted the operation on October 10. We have reworked and optimized data from various sources, for example, harmonizing it with respect to non-uniform opening of schools across the country. The result is that infected students and school personnel have reached approximately 16% of the total number of infected people, which is slightly higher than the incidence of the school population in the general national population. However, there is the crux, difficult to unravel, of how many students have transmitted the infection to their families, which is still the main area of spread of the virus.
According to the UNIC, the contribution of schools to the spread of the virus, especially indirectly through transport and street gatherings, would also emerge from several indicators.
First of all, the numbers: if from the opening of the schools until September 30 they were identified in Italy 25,461 new cases, with an average of 1,500 per day, in October the total figure of 364,571 was reached, thus 11,760 per day, almost eight times more.
“While we recognize the pedagogical value of the school in presence, we should have adopted distance education for secondary school since September 14 to mitigate the exponential curve that exploded not by chance two or three weeks later, as we have prophesied since the summer – explains Domenico Mamone, president of the UNIC, who together with the journalist Giampiero Castellotti will publish the book “Covid and its surroundings” in spring.
“Alternatively, high school could have started in November, making up for the month of June, saving Dad to learn and leaving questions in front of him. Furthermore, instead of involving hundreds of millions in banquets and masks, it would have been more useful to provide a fixed health center in schools, computer training for teachers, and a strong implementation of technological equipment. Now, given the trend, we must avoid going backwards, trying instead to improve distance education, a modality that, whether we like it or not, will have to accompany us for a long time to avoid aggravating the situation ”.