Covid, new closure with factories open and schools closed: seven days to decide – School News


The infection curve provided a slight improvement. The optimism of the Higher Institute of Health, however, was immediately cooled by the number of deaths: in the last day they jumped to 580. Intensive care, especially in some regions, is beginning to cause serious concerns: its possible saturation is in the basis for the decision to move to higher risk areas in other regions. One reason that is increasing the prices of a possible new emergency shutdown National: everything will depend, government sources confirm, on the trend of infections and requests for hospital admissions that will be determined between now and next week. The hope is that the obligation to wear a mask even outdoors, the closing of the premises at 6 pm, the general “curfew” from 10 am to 5 am and the system of “zones” imposed with the last Dpcm can have positive effects and to reduce the cases of positivity to Covid.

The side effects of the general arrest

Meanwhile, the executive will evaluate the consistency of the largest budget gap that could imply the possible total closure of activities: a commitment, to avoid financial patatrac, could be to don’t close factories. But for schools (even primary and secondary schools) there would be no escape. With a lot of subsidy for families with children under 12 years old already placed on the waiting list by the executive.

Because if it is true that Minister Lucía Azzolina continues to want the lessons in her presence, with the approval of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, in the majority that leads the country there are those who argue that the opening of schools should no longer be considered a totem: concept has been voiced out loud by some ministers of the Democratic Party Friday night, during the Cdm constituted to approve the Ristori bis Decree.

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Italy Long live with the minister

With the head of the Viale Trastevere dicastery, however, defended by the ministers of Italia Viva Teresa Bellanova and Elena Bonetti“: Two authentic Renzianos, for whom” the school must remain open. “Like Lucía Azzolina, they argue that these are safe places.

Too bad that to get there many students are forced to get on buses, buses and subways that are still very crowded: a reason that has led to say enough, at least until December 3, to teach in attendance in high school .

Soon the truth

In any case, in a few days we will know where we are going. In particular, if to keep going to school and giving “live” lessons to primary and secondary school students, it will be sufficient to always keep the mask on, even when the distance is greater than one and two meters.

In the majority there are already more than someone who says no. And the news, which concerns almost 5 million students and families, could be made official in the new Dpcm from November 17 to 18.

Tar Lazio: ok with a mask always at school

Meanwhile, Lazio tar confirmed the part of the Dpcm of November 3 that has the obligation to have a mask in the continuous school for those under 11 years old, or the only ones now who have lessons in presence.

The Lazio Administrative Court, when rejecting a request on the subject, specified: “the conditions do not exist to order the acceptance pending the celebration of the council chamber.”

For the collective discussion of the proposed appeal, a hearing in the council room has already been scheduled for December 2.

Rampelli (FdI): washable masks thanks to us

Meanwhile, still talking about masks, Fabio Rampelli, Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Brothers of Italy, declares that “with six months of delay, the Minister of Education Azzolina gives the green light to the washable masks. Excellent. It simply followed up on a resolution presented by me and by the then MP De Carlo on the need to eliminate the use of disposable masks and the amendments presented to the various decree laws systematically rejected ”.

“Also in this case – Rampelli concluded – the government is late to our proposals and does not even mention them or give us credit.”
