Rome, shopping streets with limited numbers: “Or it will be a red zone”


Rome, shopping streets with limited numbers:

There is still no operational plan but it is clear the objective we want to achieve on Thursday night to avoid the worst scenario, which is to decree Red zone. To the provincial committee of order and security of the Prefecture that was held yesterday afternoon by videoconference, Region – by the Councilor for Health Alessio D’Amato – It was clear: “Either we intervene or we will have to opt for the most drastic solution.”

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The problem to be solved, however, is to understand how to avoid crowds and meetings even in the open air because the latest Dpcm of the government establishes a strong recommendation to limit travel but does not foresee, for example, prohibitions on the movement of people.
However, it is also true, as the Prefecture recognized last weekend, that scenes can not be reproduced on the model of those that occurred in via del Corso or on the coast of Ostia. It is a matter of public health and protection of all people. The reason why the hypothesis that the prefect Matteo Piantedosi and the police are examining, in consultation with the Campidoglio and Pisana, is to put into practice some dynamic containment modules appropriate to the different situations.



This means evaluating the areas -from the Center precisely with the commercial streets to neighboring areas to the coast, parks and villas included- and managing from time to time, depending on the scenario envisaged, the flows of people who might leave. Also in the next weekend, considering the closing of the shopping centers and the expected temperatures: clear skies with at least 20 degrees expected between Saturday and Sunday. The summit yesterday afternoon in which the different critical issues were listed and photographed based on what happened in the last weekend, was updated to Thursday because starting today a technical table will be opened at the police station with all the actors involved to outline the models. Operational that will take effect from Friday. Models that in fact should not foresee “tout-court” closures but containment modules (and not quotas) that will be activated according to the situations.

The models

As an example: if the streets of the Center were filled next Saturday or Sunday as happened last weekend, the flows could be diverted to other roads to allow circulation without “flooding” a single road by implementing a containment module different from which, instead, could happen in other areas. The scenarios are different as well as the solutions that we intend to implement. We are also thinking about public transport.

The Prati neighborhood, the surroundings of the Cola di Rienzo or the Lungotevere route, considered the plan already implemented on the semi-enclosure of squares such as Piazza Trilussa or Campo de ‘Fiori, also falls into the category of hot areas. It is a bit like the nightlife model, already lived this summer, to maintain the place: not preventive closures, but where the need arises. Then there is the issue of controls, which must be reinforced: a new grip is coming for those who walk without a mask, also based on the Lazio ordinance, which is stricter than national regulations. A task that will correspond to the police but that will have to see the brigade in the front line.

Last updated: 22:31

