“What will Christmas 2020 be like (according to the government)”


Editorial Board
November 10, 2020 6:46 am

Just as experts predict the worst time of the coronavirus epidemic in Italy for the period between Christmas and New Year, due to the overlap with the seasonal flu, the government is trying to look ahead to the next few months. Between potentially tougher restrictions and hopes for vaccines, where are we? Sandra Zampa, Undersecretary of Health, announces interviewed by Print New rules arrive for Christmas with the family: the executive is already working on this too. It is not known if the new rules will come in the form of a new Dpcm or other lighter forms, they are just recommendations. We’ll see.

How will Christmas 2020 with the coronavirus

But let’s start with the vaccine: “Ordinary citizens will be able to get vaccinated before the summer. Italy has made an order that is enough to cover the entire population, we have reserved 70 million doses. The vaccine will have a very low cost, less than 5 euro Vaccination will start with health and social workers, law enforcement, the elderly, all frail workers. And then by age group. “

The epidemic gallops in Italy, but Zampa does not believe that the government has done something wrong in communication. “I am amazed at the lightness with which in many parts of Italy people go out for walks without a mask. And I find it scandalous that people sit for hours in bars with the excuse of having a coffee, at very close tables ”. And he adds: “A minimalist narrative has passed and many scientists and many politicians have not helped to maintain the necessary rigor.”

What Christmas will it be? If the contagion curve falls, will there be family dinners and celebrations? “There will be a measure that will refer to Christmas,” says a little surprise Zampa to the press (nobody had said it so clearly until now). It must be said that it should not be a lonely Christmas – he explains – but that families can get together. in the small group, first-degree relatives, brothers and sisters ”.

“Most of the current restrictions should be maintained, perhaps with a relaxation of rigor for some exercises.”

Covid: what Christmas will it be in Italy?

Those facing the holidays will not be easy decisions, it is good to reiterate. About ten days ago Luigi Atripaldi, director of the Cotugno Microbiology and Virology laboratory, which in Campania performs the largest number of swabs and is very clear about the severity of the moment, explained that it is difficult to think, almost in mid-November, of making a lockdown-style closure if you later decide to release your grip before the holidays: “The lockdown paid off in spring 2020. But now we’ve waited a long time to intervene. For this reason, it’s very difficult to think about closing to reopen at Christmas.” Salvatore Panico, an epidemiologist and Federico II’s associate professor of internal medicine, thought that it would be better just with a view to Christmas “to close everything, from the beginning of November and for four weeks, to be able to expect to have some freedom of movement, always controlled, during Christmas vacations “. It didn’t happen, and now the ball is in the hands of the executive.

What Christmas will it be? Can we spend the holidays as a family? Move between regions? Hug grandparents again? A few days ago the president of the National Institute of Health (ISS), Silvio Brusaferro, in an interview with RepublicHe clearly said that it will inevitably be a different Christmas. Already next week the first encouraging data could be seen – as long as the new restrictive measures are working – but Brusaferro also confirmed that the epidemic will not disappear “until we have the vaccine, but we can reach a new normal of coexistence with Covid.” . If we stick to the prescriptions, we will have a different Christmas than last year, but calm ”.

Many questions and few certainties also according to Marcello Caremani, “senior” doctor, former infectious diseases guide in San Donato di Arezzo: “It is unthinkable now to imagine the situation that we will experience at Christmas – he explained -. Perhaps, and we hope not, we will be in complete confinement. Of course, we will have to avoid Christmas and New Year lunches and dinners, both with friends and family who do not live together. We must remember that the Spagnola did not have only two waves, but three and, in some countries, even four “.

So is dinner this Christmas or not?
