Francesco Samengo, the president of Unicef ​​Italy died of Covid. “An example for all, always at the forefront of the rights of the child”


The president of Unicef ​​Italia died in Rome Francesco Samengo, killed by Covid. He was 81 years old. and was hospitalized inSpallanzani Hospital. UNICEF itself broke the news. “He was a sure guide for all, an example of self-denial and tireless perseverance, an incentive to always give the best of ourselves in the search for the cause of the rights of the child in Italy and in the world. At the forefront of the defense of the rights of children and youth in Italy and in the world, Francesco Samengo has always stood out for his enormous sensitivity and the firm conviction that creating a better world means above all care for the most vulnerable and defenseless, especially children, leaving no one behind. In the two years of his tenure, he led the organization with great commitment, passion and tireless dedication ”, writes theUnicef.

the vice president Carmela pace, the Board of Directors, the General Manager Paolo Rozera, the Regional and Provincial Presidents, UNICEF volunteers and all the staff huddle with pain and affection to his family, “confident that in the strength of his example he will find the consolation to face this great loss.” President of Unicef ​​Italia since 2018, Samengo has been a UNICEF volunteer for more than twenty years, then a member of the Board of Directors and since 2001 President of the Calabria Regional Committee for Unicef. Born in Cassano Jonio (CS), had lived for many years in Rome. Degree in Economics and Commerce, enrolled inRegistry of Public Accountants and Auditors, has held important managerial and senior management positions in numerous public companies.

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