Two brothers defy the crisis and the pandemic: the restaurant opens 2 days before closing


The future red zone of Lombardy was already known, which lacked only the official character of the ordinance signed by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza to become reality: still Alex and Manuel Lucon, Two brothers, 38 and 36 years old from Seriate, remained firmly convinced that their restaurant would be even stronger than the restrictions.

Thus, on Wednesday, November 4, two days before the entry into force of the new Dpcm that imposed the “lockdown” for the Regions in which the highest level of risk related to the Covid-19 spread was found, they rose for the first time. Once the shutter of “Divisions”, a new original restaurant idea that offers a product of his own invention that already promises to be of daily consumption.

Something very far from the normal opening of a restaurant but, after the postponement at the beginning of the year due to a pandemic, the opening could no longer be postponed: “We should have started in March so we’ll all know how it went – Alex and Manuel explain – We have been paying the rent since December for the premises in via Angelo Maj 21 / b in Bergamo and, of course, we also have the costs of furniture and machinery. There are difficulties, frankly in summer we also think about giving up, hoping for better times. But we would have thrown around fifty thousand euros already paid ”.

Thus, with their sleeves rolled up and the desire to never give up typical of the people of Bergamo, Alex and Manuel have decided to move on and be stronger than the crisis situation that certainly does not invite an entrepreneur: “We strengthened ourselves thinking about the seven clubs that we have opened in our life, having always worked well. And then we also wanted to send a message of hope, without forgetting that for this new adventure we have put 10 people on the payroll ”.

Manuel and Alex Lucon

The beginning, with all the restrictions of the case for a restaurant that is working with a third of the estimated seats (37 against 90) and currently accumulates a fifth of the forecasts, was encouraging: “Last Wednesday and Thursday it was still possible to work until 6 in the afternoon and stop to eat inside: we saw many comings and goings and a lot of curiosity.”

The location, incidentally and very close to several schools and offices, in “normal” conditions would have yielded much more: “We are aware of this, but we hope to take advantage of this period in which we are struggling to run our business. – underlined – The new product does not facilitate, in this sense: the dough is our invention, you have to try it to understand what it is. Difficult to describe in words without belittling it, it can be compared to a mix between a focaccia, a flat bread and a pizza, with special fillings. We are making ourselves known as we can, with take-out and delivery on our own and soon, we hope, also on the well-known platforms from which we are waiting for the ok. Customer feedback is already positive, with some good reviews and lots of praise, for the product and for the courage to have opened at this time. “

On the situation that restaurateurs live today, Alex and Manuel Lucón speak with knowledge of the facts: “We have been working in this sector since 2012 and we also have many contacts with colleagues – they explain – If after putting everything in order they had made us close the place in this way, we would also have gotten very angry and probably last Thursday we would have been in Bergamo Square to make our voices heard. There is no such thing as being treated this way, with the help you hide. So for Spacca we couldn’t even ask for support, because despite having started everything, we still did not formally exist ”.

Now in front of them a new, stimulating challenge that does not want to set limits: Spacca, in addition to being a registered trademark, is also a franchise that anyone can decide to open, receiving all the necessary material.
