Italy changes color again. And it is not good news, because in the weekly report of the control room of the Ministry of Health wrote that the epidemic is rapidly worsening, uncontrolled and unmanageable. A very serious situation throughout the national territory. The virus runs, the Rt transmission rate remains on average above 1.7 and hospital services have reached or are about to reach critical employment thresholds.
Five regions go from yellow to orange on the risk map, triggering tougher measures. There is an increase in hospitalizations in intensive care, explains the nearby Giovanni Rezza, director of the Prevention department. And so, starting on Wednesday in Liguria, Tuscany, Umbria, Basilicata and Abruzzo bars and restaurants will close and more restrictions will be imposed on travel. The new rules, already in force for Puglia and Sicily, were taken by order of Minister Roberto Speranza, as required by the last Dpcm. The areas are not a report card, but a common assumption of responsibility, Minister Francesco Boccia asks for the full collaboration of the governors.
The President of Abruzzo made the progress official Marco Marsilio, with a tweet that surprised and displaced everyone in the government: Minister Speranza recently anticipated the outcome of the meeting … Giovanni toti Instead, he chose Facebook to comment on the passage of Liguria to a scenario of greater risk: Our hospitals are under great pressure, the medical world calls for interventions, the criterion of prudence must always prevail. And in Tuscany the president dem Eugenio Giani announced that he had expressed a favorable opinion.
It remains to dissolve the enigma of Campania. The mayor of Naples, Luigi of Magistrit is, States that only the red zone can save a territory plagued by the virus. President Vincenzo De Luca He asked for one more day, and Speranza, who at the Conference of Regions had promised to meet in uncertain cases, granted it. Since Monday morning the technicians are in Naples to see the cards, according to which it will be decided whether to shoot the red or the orange. The clutter of Campania data, which also the Nas carabinieri want to see clearly and for this they are reviewing the latest newsletters. From the control room and then from the CTS, which processes and crosses the monitoring data, there was no good news. On the other hand, the regulations establish that regions in which there is a greater epidemiological risk must maintain containment measures for at least 15 days. Lombardy, Calabria, Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta are still red and the province of Bolzano will move into the red area on Wednesday.
November 10, 2020 (change November 10, 2020 | 07:24 am)