Chinese masks Kn95, but without him CE mark printed above, which certifies the compatibility of the import devices with the European regulations. On the boxes of the masks and on the plastic wrappers that wrapped them was the writing “Not medical”, that is, not suitable for medical use. This is why the leaders of the Pio Albergo Trivulzio from Milan have decided to retire 200mila More expensive Kn95 of Chinese production and stop distributing them in the different departments of structure. The initiative was taken after the doubts raised by some employees who knew the writings.
In fact, Italian law equated the masks Kn95 all Ffp2– Both are devices that protect against incoming and outgoing drops. But, to comply with the law, the CE marking must be shown above and must be accompanied by indications that certify its use. All the specifications that the masks collected in the Trivulzio did not have. That’s why the employee alarm sounded: medici, nurses Us and the staff who used and worked every day at departments contact me patients.
“This precaution shows that in Trivulzio there is maximum transparency”, explained the teacher Fabrizio Pregliascovirologistscientific supervisor del Pio Albergo Trivulzio. “Unfortunately – he clarified – these situations occur throughout Italy and around the world. Happens to find a hospital or a nursing facility with a batch of medical supplies inadequate“. Now there is concern of employees is that one could happen in Trivulzio shortage from devices personal protection, right in the middle of the Second wave of the pandemic.
Meanwhile, a new projection determined that of the 64 operators that tested positive in recent days, they were actually only infected with Covid 13 operators. Trivulzio himself in recent days had spoken of abnormal results relative to those 64 positive operators, also making it clear that there may have been one contamination of samples in laboratory, as was also the case of the positivity of the patients who were later negative for the second swab.
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